Saturday, February 21, 2009

Why I pulled a Post -- I was insensitive and say mea culpa!

I made a posting yesterday afternoon that I pulled (albeit for a day or two). Now, of course, once something is posted it cannot be pulled for real because it continues to float around the Web.

But here's why I pulled the post -- and it will go up again early next week.

The post relates to what was breaking news about the internal Liberal Party elections. A good Liberal decided to withdraw from the running -- I posted a note about it but then realized he might well want to tell his supporters himself and not let them learn from the web. (The story was quite true).

I should have thought of that first -- it was insensitive of me not to -- and so I pulled the post. Fear not, Monday at 5:00 p.m. it goes back up.

Mea culpa, mea maxima culpa

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