Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Zimbabwe -- Does anyone care at all?

I almost hate to post this but has anyone noticed what's happening in Zimbabwe? Does anyone care?

A land with a well educated and a cultural of hard work brought to utter ruin by a tyrant? Blessed with fertile land and mineral deposits, Zimbabwe was once among the most prosperous of sub-Saharan African nations. It is now a place of penury, disease and oppression.

From today's Al Jezeera we read:

Zimbabwe's cholera crisis has reached unprecedented levels with nearly 63,000 people being infected by the epidemic, according to a report by a United Nations agency.

I note the official inflation rate is now 231 trillion percent a year. There is famine in what was a major grain exporter. Am I the only person following this story?

Enough. While the world stands by, the people of Zimbabwe are dying. This is a case where there can be no legitimate doubt -- there is a duty to intervene. Archbishop Desmond Tutu and Archbishop John Sentamu of York are calling for the forcible overthrow of Mr Mugabe; this is a time for action.


Stephen Downes said...

It's situations like this that expose the lie that was the U.S. intervention in Iraq.

Mugabe is a much worse leader, far more harmful to his people, than Hussein ever was. But Zimbabwe has no oil.

Mugabe should be arrested and put in detention, and his people allowed to rebuild their country.

Anonymous said...

I think the man should be put on trial for atrocities, but one can not get near him, because of his henchmen. He would be on trial right now, but, as I said no one gets near him.

Anonymous said...

If the invasion of a sovereign country to depose its leader was a horrible, horrible thing (Iraq), then how exactly do you propose to get rid of Mugabe?

Create CIA programs to funnel money to rebels? (Nope, that would cause civilian casualties)

Openly fund rebels? (Civilian casualties again)

Place sanctions on the country? (Ha! - that place can't be made any worse)

Since invasion is a no-no now that Bush is out of office there really isn't anything that can be done. We will have to wait for him to either die or be removed by factions internal to Zimbabwe.

We could always have the UN issue a few "stop or I'll tell you to stop again" decrees.