Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Freedom for Flocke !

The dream of freedom could soon become true for Flocke and Rasputin. The “International consortium for appropriate habitat for wild animals” (CISAN), with headquarters in Paris, filed adoption papers for Nuremberg`s polar bears in order to set them free at a wild-animal-resort. The group has bought the island Melee, near the Galapagos Islands, and has established a wild-animal-reserve. Besides rhinos, tigers and other endangered species, Flocke and Rasputin shall move in there soon.

“Because of their age, both cubs are still fully capable to develop their wild insticts”, states the animal welfare activists`note. Already the zoo has anounced its cooperation with their experts. With regard to the not so arctic temperatures at Melee, a CISAN spokes person explained that the climate change will soon provide for changed weather conditions around the world. As both of Nuremberg`s cubs are used to european temperatures, nothing is in the way for a release into the wild.

Also, according to the consortuim, the Galapagos region, which always had an important place in evolution, is really predestinated for a reintroduction into the wild of endangered species. Starting in autumn 2009, the 35 square kilometer measuring island shall be populated with animals that formerly lived in captivity .

As if Rasputin had caught scent of his nearing freedom, he tried very energetically to reach the leaves of the newly fenced-in trees. “There won`t be any limitations like this for the bears at Melee” , a CISAN spokes person answered the BR-online`s telephonic request. At Melee, the two bears are allowed to hunt, to swim and to frolic around to their heart`s content and within some months, the cubs will have lost their confidence into people.

Until Flocke and Rasputin are ready for a move into freedom, they have to be trained for a release into the wild. To pave the way, they will be trained to hunt ducks during these coming weeks.




James C Morton said...

Just in case it's not obvious, this is an April Fools joke... .

Big Winnie said...

Well done!!!

lib4ever said...

Is it true James that Alf Apps is dropping out from LPC President race today?
I know the email scandal hurt his reputation but this feels like a April Fool's joke!