Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Maybe there is a problem in the Conservative caucus

The recent leaks from caucus and Cabinet (something totally unknown Liberal governments) together with the political posturing on minor wedge issues -- tough on polygamy, seriously, it's illegal and who is pushing the issue -- suggests that perhaps there is a lose of total command and control from the PMO.

That makes some sense. The issues that unite economic and social conservatives are not being very well served by this government; in fact, much of what Harper is doing seems more Liberal than Conservative.

Issues like abortion, gay marriage and a Focus on the Family are not on the radar -- so instead we have a demand that all immigrants speak English or French -- political posturing. The deficit and the budget are hardly where fiscal conservatives want; I think the deficit is necessary for the moment but I'm a Liberal.

And of course there is the unhappy treatment of a former Conservative Prime Minister from Quebec.

I largely support the government's positions on things like the economy. And the social questions should be left alone.

But I'm a Liberal -- and it is perhaps a problem for the Conservative base that I am ok with much of what the Prime Minister is doing.
James Morton

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

No problem in the Conservative caucus James, but the Liberals are still broke;

“Rocco Rossi told Sun Media yesterday the party likely will escape from the red by the time of the Liberal biennial convention in Vancouver later this month “or shortly thereafter.” As well, he said first-quarter fundraising for 2009 was “significantly better” than the same period in 2008, though he could not provide numbers.”


Could Not Provide Numbers?

Meanwhile Iggy has another idea?


“Ignatieff suggests North Pole as global ‘public park’”

While at the same time agreeing with PM Harper yet again.