So now we will apply a morality test for funding medical treatment? So heart attacks drop out of public funding if, say, the patient didn't watch their weight? Don't even ask about treatment for HIV... .
Calgary Herald
The Stelmach government says proposed legislation enabling it to sue tobacco manufacturers and criminals for health-care costs won't target booze companies or average citizens who smoke, drink and contribute to a poor lifestyle.
Alberta Health Minister Ron Liepert also rejected criticism Tuesday that Bill 48, Crown's Right of Recovery Act, would violate a convicted criminals' rights by possibly having them pay their own health tab if injured while committing an offence such as drunk driving.
Legal experts, meanwhile, have questioned a separate provision that would allow the government to retrieve health costs from convicted criminals injured while committing an offence.
Chris Levy, a law professor at the University of Calgary, has argued the section targeting criminals is purely" political gamesmanship."
Asking any patient to pay for medically necessary treatments violates the Canada Health Act, which means Alberta risks losing federal health transfer payments, Levy said this week.
James Morton
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