This comment interested me and I "promoted" it to the main blog:
Hi James I'm hoping someone intelligent in OLO is reading this comment. LPC MUST reply to these ads with the same.Negative advertising works. Canadians listen and believe them.Don't try to convince yourselves otherwise or Iggy will become Dion part 2 very very fast.A response via blogs is completely inadequate.
I think an ad telling the truth about Michael and his accomplishments in life would be cool........the truth...
actually that's a brilliant idea -- the un-Attack Ad!!!
Explain this quote please:
“You have to decide what kind of America you want. Right? You have to decide. It's your country just as much as it is mine.”
-Michael Ignatieff
I think it's hilarious that the Conservatives are now trying to vilify even the suggestion that someone could have affection for another country they lived in before... kind of a risky tact when you consider how many people living in Canada have solid roots in other countries... maybe the Conservatives don't want immigrants to vote for them anymore.
Leave it to Herod to out Herod, Herod.
We have nothing to fear except catching swine flu from a porker.
Oh, and one more; sell the sizzle not the steak.
Thanks for 'promoting' me James :)
I left out 1 very important part in my comment.
If these ads do not prompt every living Liberal to donate, I don't know what will.
Michael deserves better than this.
''I think an ad telling the truth about Michael and his accomplishments in life would be cool........the truth...''
That will sure be a counter punch to the 'arrogant elitist' message!
A brag ad.
merboy, the ads are not about being out of the country,
it's about WHY after much persuasion, he came back.
There is only one reason, be honest.
I think that many people are missing the point in these attack ads.
They are only the beginning, the first seeds that are being planted, and which will likely grow.
The fact is that the seeds being planted are invasive weeds and the target isn't just the Canadian electorate, the target is the Liberal Party itself.
While the attacks on Dion certainly helped shift Canadians away from Dion, the unfortunate truth was that the ads were most effective on Liberals (hence the massive no show of the Liberal vote on election day).
The Conservatives identified with Dion the strongest issue of discontent that Liberals themselves had with their Leader and they beat the drum until it became a mantra.
There has to be a ring of the truth in the message being repetitively hammered.
All around the Party, during the 2008 election, I heard that "Dion was not a leader".
This was mass hypnosis on a national scale.
The real damage that is going to happen with the new Ignatieff ads is that Liberals are going to start believing the Conservative message that Ignatieff is arrogant, that Ignatieff is self-centred, that Ignatieff is not a man of the people.
We'd better distribute tin foil helmets to our Party members!!
We had better start planting some seeds of our own and this doesn't include the "probation period" that has been imposed on Harper.
RE: wilson...
"merboy, the ads are not about being out of the country,
it's about WHY after much persuasion, he came back.
There is only one reason, be honest."
Ok so what's the one reason... he wants to be PM... so does Harper... so does Jack Layton... should we want someone who totally doesn't want the job ??
“You have to decide what kind of America you want. Right? You have to decide. It's your country just as much as it is mine.”
-Michael Ignatieff
Wasn't it Paul Martin that said "America is our neighbor, not our nation"? So we all officially like America now?
Is there noting that Obama can't do?
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