"It's one thing to attack Ignatieff's policy positions. It's entirely another thing to question his integrity because his academic career took him off to study and teach in other countries. A host of Canadians has had career opportunities lead them to Europe, the United States, Asia and Africa -- why is it acceptable for a petroleum engineer to work overseas but not a university professor? And why is scholarship a less worthy profession for a future politician than business or law?"
Full story here:
James Morton
1100-5255 Yonge Street
Toronto, Ontario
M2N 6P4
416 225 2777
The Vancouver Sun isn't part of the Sun newspaper chain, is it?
The Vancouver Sun is Canwest.
And Stephen Hume is about as far left wing as they come, come on James, you can do better than citing an article written by an NDP shill.
James, give me ONE example of where a citizen has come home after 30 years abroad and became head of a state.
It would never happen in the USA and to my knowledge has never happened in any Western country.
And what about Iraq? Iggy supported the removal of Saddam while Chretien fought to keep Saddam in power.
I don't this. Iggy is being "made" as you will.
The media and the left wing elite have taken this unknown Canadian and are doing their best to implant him into PM.
It's amazing this can happen in a democracy.
Anon @1:34pm:
Give me one example of an African American who became President of the U.S.A. before Barack Obama.
Please, judge leaders on their character, policies, leadership skills and accomplishments, period.
Maybe, just maybe, Ignatieff can make us proud to be Canadians again.
Anon: Check the travels of the first few PMs we had. Some were born abroad, and most spent considerable time in Britain and abroad.
Ignatieff didn't just "spend 30 years" abroad. He was back regularly, and his family was here.
When many Canadians were clamoring for "Wayne Gretzky for PM", I guess we should ignore that? How about Don Cherry (another "favorite" for PM)? He spent almost ALL of his adult life in the USA, and only returned when he got the cushy CBC job. I know many people in your party who would LOVE to have Don Cherry as PM.
What about the good General Hillier? A name often touted to run for the Conservatives - and perhaps as leader? Care to guess how many years he spent abroad? Try from the 70s, through to this century. He shouldn't run for anything, should he? Especially not for leader of the Reform Party, right?
You guys make me laugh. Such idiocy. Go ahead - make Rick Hillier your next leader. Some of my Calgary Reformer buddies have already called me to support him... (yes, I do get contacted from some Con/Reformers from time to time - living in Calgary will do that to you. I don't ask for it... it just happens). Last time I was contacted to support someone it was Bernard Lord (around 3 years ago). Now-a-days it seems to be Hillier - the new golden child.
Go ahead and make Hillier your leader - we'll have some good fun with that one. We'll just "re-post" your ridiculous ad back at you.
; )
The above posted by WesternGrit, proud member of idiot's for Ignatieff.
Anon: Judging from your fear of your own name... and your playground comments, the "idiot" nomenclature would be most fitting under your mug...
WG, who do you think tipped off the Star about Nannygate?
Liberaland is in turmoil, you're broke financially and morally, too funny.
Gotta love these "Anony-Tories": Crashing in the polls. Reduced to playing playground games (as is their way). Letting grade school kids run their "war room". Flip-flopping on their most ardently conservative positions daily, as if they were tossing a coin. Dead in Quebec. Drowning in Ontario. Having no semblance of a plan, ideology, or motivation - besides clinging to power...
You guys are done. Stick a fork in yourselves... Even your hollow attempts at saving face don't irk us. We're raising money as fast as our poll numbers are skyrocketing. We're raising funds every time Michael Ignatieff speaks. The huge numbers who helped Chretien and Martin to power (workers on the ground) are BACK.
The Big Red Machine is BACK. Look out Reform-a-tories!
Folks, play nice -- by the way, even if elected, Michael won't be head of state -- that's the Queen. Remember, Canada is a Monarchy!
So what if he's lived abroad? Sadly, many of Canada's top minds have to do just that in order to achieve their full potential. Besides, living abroad has likely given him broader experiences that could be beneficial. Sometimes, in life/business/whatever, you need observe a problem or situation from afar in order to see it clearly. That could very well be the case with Iggy!
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