Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Corruption and politics

I was startled to listen this morning to a radio program devoted to discussing whether politics corrupts politicians or if politicians are inherently corrupt. (And I was listening to a legitimate national broadcaster -- not a crazy talk show).

Now, granted, I am a political junkie and so see politicians with rosy glasses but the program assumed politicians were, as a group, corrupt.

And that's just wrong.

There are crooked politicians -- just as there are crooked lawyers, doctors and shmata salesmen -- but as a group politicians are not notably bent. Indeed, despite the awful revelations from the UK, it is surprising how little corruption there is considering the mixture of power, money and (in truth) low pay that is seen in politics. The fact is you can't buy a Canadian politician -- or if you can it's like a black swan, something so rare as to be almost impossible.

I have worked with dozens of politicians. Some were real jerks. A couple were so partisan as to be embarrassing. Many were not always as astute as they might be. But none were corrupt.

People go into politics because they are engaged in the process and care about policy.

And that's true across all Party lines.

Stephen Harper is doing his job because he has a vision of Canada; not because he wants to get big time cash payoffs. He may be wrong but he is acting, in good faith, for the benefit of Canada. The same is true of all the other leaders. And indeed, of the MPs and MPPs and MLAs and MNAs across Canada.

It may be that we need a new politics in Canada -- and I believe we need a new government federally -- but that's not because of corruption -- it's because of policy.
James Morton
1100-5255 Yonge Street
Toronto, Ontario
M2N 6P4

416 225 2777


giggerlondon said...

Well Mulroney proves you wrong!!!

Vancouvertoryboy said...

And your boy Jean C was so honest???

penlan said...

"...just as there are crooked lawyers, doctors and shmata salesmen...".

What are *shmata salesmen*? I don't know what the word *shmata* means.

Anonymous said...

I believe a 'shmata' is a rag.

penlan said...

If shmata is a rag then what do rag salesmen mean? Sorry I don't get it, lol.

James C Morton said...

Shmata is a yiddish word meaning rag but commonly used to denote clothes -- so a shmata salesman sells clothes...

penlan said...

James, Thanks for the clarification.