Friday, May 8, 2009

From the Sun

When Harper got elected some pundits likened him to a right-wing Pierre Trudeau -- a touch frosty but a person of intelligence and principle. Harper today retains little or none of that penumbra.

He's still deemed a touch frosty. No one doubts he's clever. But principled? Nope.

Michael Den Tandt
James Morton
1100-5255 Yonge Street
Toronto, Ontario
M2N 6P4

416 225 2777


Anonymous said...

My Conservative friends used to tell me that the Conservative Party had principles, unlike the Liberals. "If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything.", they'd say

Funny, they don't seem to say that much anymore...

The Mound of Sound said...

I can't imagine why anyone would see a functionary like Harper in any way resembling PET. M.I. falls a mile short on that scale but Harper is infinitely more distant.

Phillip Huggan said...

I can't imagine how Canadians are so superficial to personal mannerisms of their leaders. But it is true (yes JFK was personally reflective like Harper but JFK used his mind to eliminate at the time #1 human extinction threat). Exterminiating the species is okay for Harper because people think Dion's a dork. Racking up massive debt and not planning nothing for boomer healthcare is considered okay. But now that people like Ignatieff's manner...whatever.

We should be redressing our prison system to fight staph infections...true for daycares (do we have these outside Quebec?), schools, gyms, hospitals....
We should be focussing on premeditated violent offenses. We should be giving young adults some minor leeway in sentencing until brain is fully "cured" (around 25yrs of age). Should be stepping up prison survillence and guard training to prevent as much physical/psychological truama as possible. Just like with soldiers, someone who goes to prison comes back less productive because of mental illness. Should be trending towards Europeans rates of incarceration, not USA; retraining guards to police nursing homes (where assaults don't affect future prodcutivity but who really wants to die 90 getting beaten by a 70 year old schizo. Probably this means treating most drug offences as tax evasion, maybe dealing crack or heroin are enough of a public health threat to warrant time, IDK.

Probably ethical to offer non-violent (on the outside) prisoners (and those in dirt poor countries) the opportunity to reduce sentences in exchange for submitting to medical testing provided enough of the revenue goes towards prisoner-quality-of-living (whatever increases longevity and healthy minds) and prevention (probably early childhood programmes like sports and community centres among at risk populations).

Judges and lawyers and prison staff get paid more by delaying trials, so any delay beyond a certain point should come with salary clawbacks; it is plainly obvious the more Conservative judges aren't worth minimum wage.
Keep in mind this budget reduces nursing home and education and hospital expenditures, so just like with hospital beds and nursing homes, try to keep house arrest effective and patrolled (many guards would have much greater utility monitoring ankle bracelets than staffing too-high incarceration rates).
Harper went into the last election on a platform to put still fungible 14 year old minds in prison with lifers. No, bad use of human capital. Obviously this advice isn't for Conservatives; most oil-sands execs are far more guilty than are non-violent inmates.
It might be useful for MPs or Senators to volunteer to spend (supervised so not the real threat of fights and rape) time in a prison environment. For example, they would see just like bedbugs in homeless shelters, a guards banging your cell room with a nigthstick every 1/2 an hour (or hr or whenever) doesn't allow you to sleep and conditions you to reoffend. Probably prisoners should be given the opportunity to earn minimum wage (even though this isn't available to many free Canadians) provided the money goes to some sort of healthy or rehabilitative endeavour (funding community college carpentry courses or staph/TB-resistant equipment or something).

I'm far more worried of people in positions of Canadian power willing our human extinction than I am worried of drug crimes. Vehicle immobilizers aren't currently mandatory because of cost considerations while Ontario PCs ran their last election on a platform of an Alberta education curiculum and building more prisons.
I'm tired of reading the neswpaper sensationalize violence that their own lobby positions cause (low rich people taxes and prohibition).

Phillip Huggan said...

....or, does Sun Media Canwest and BCE want higher crime rates to sell more newspaper headlines?!
I hope the lack of Universal Daycare makes everyone in rich suburban communities feel good about themselves. lol. CIDA announced "support" Lebanon elections, ignorant of Harper's position on the 2006 war that destroyed perfectly functioning Lebanese infrastructures and cost Canadian taxpayers $30M (cost Saudis $2B that could've gone to Wind-desalination). Just like Canada's wacky Right supported "democracy" in Iraq in 2003. Neocons should be living in Mexican slums, instead are Canada's richest and most powerful.

Phillip Huggan said...

...ironically the Right Wing base believes so fervently in the Righteousness of a man who was unduly persecuted to death; they still unduly persecute so many others. T.Broadbeck wrote a column about how oil revenues ruined an Inidan Reserve. Has he taken a look at Alberta recently compared to who Albertans used to be before striking rich?