The current brouhaha involving Ruby Dhalla cannot be ignored.
The allegations are very serious, and it was sensible for her to give up the critic’s role at least for now. On clearing her name she will go back to where she was. It is true that a person in her position is in a spotlight always; she is, and has to be, a role model for Canadians.
Some comments from the media:
Liberal foreign affairs critic Bob Rae said yesterday Ms. Dhalla wants to be able to clear her name. He said:
"She feels very strongly that the allegations against her are not true. And she has a right to defend herself and there will be full investigations I'm sure at both the federal and provincial level,"
MP Judy Sgro, a friend who served as Ms. Dhalla's mentor in her first few months in Parliament, said:
"She's a good-looking, single, hard-working woman," Ms. Sgro said. "She spends all her time working. And there are always people around who are fast to cut you down when you're one step ahead of them."
Some comments from the media:
Liberal foreign affairs critic Bob Rae said yesterday Ms. Dhalla wants to be able to clear her name. He said:
"She feels very strongly that the allegations against her are not true. And she has a right to defend herself and there will be full investigations I'm sure at both the federal and provincial level,"
MP Judy Sgro, a friend who served as Ms. Dhalla's mentor in her first few months in Parliament, said:
"She's a good-looking, single, hard-working woman," Ms. Sgro said. "She spends all her time working. And there are always people around who are fast to cut you down when you're one step ahead of them."
Morton, she knew what was going on.
Case closed.
She should lose her MP job, her pension and be banished to the far left side of Canada.
She is a disgrace to immigrants and to woman in general.
The Liberal Party of Canada needs to fire Dhalla from her job.
She withheld passports and performed other abuses that may in fact be criminal, like Jason Kenney explained in the House of Commons yesterday.
What say you ,Morton?
Case closed?
James may be a lawyer, but even us non-lawyers no there is no "case closed" til the allegations are proven in court or an inquiry or whatever... not on Jason Kenny's say-so.
When/If they are proven, then we can talk about throwing Ms Dhalla to the wolves, but not til then.
It says a lot you make that claim of her guilt without having the guts to come out from behind your anonymous cloak.
James.. as an aside.. I'd encourage you to not allow anonymous postings on here.
I have thought about it but for now keep anonymous postings -- I want a free expression. I read all the posts and will delete if violent, sexual or racist. Otherwise, if people want to hide and speak -- let em!
Hey Scott Tribe.
If a Conservative was in the same position, what would you be blogging about right now?
Gimme a break.
One thing we know fore sure is the Dhalla family used illegal labor.
That in itself should be reason to be fired.
She is not Above the Law.
There should be a full public inquiry here.
''There should be a full public inquiry here.''
I disagree. We waste too much time, energy and money on these inquiries.
All they serve is to embarrass the 'other' party on the taxpayers dime.
Look at the cost of the BM/KHS inquiry.
And it will resolve nothing.
Let the system work , a cover up will be uncovered, who knew what and when will be discovered.
If allegations are proved, charges will be laid.
I hated it when the Libs and Dippers did it to the Cons.
I don't like reverse revenge tactics any better.
Adscam is different.
It was a huge network involving many many Liberals,
and included stolen taxpayers money, and the big cheese himself.
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