Monday, June 29, 2009

Be of brave heart - a marathon and not a sprint

There is an amazing amount of nonsense floating around the internet saying that the Liberals "blew it", or worse, with the failure to bring down the government.

There is no doubt a summer election would be extremely unpopular.

Michael Ignatieff was quite right to seek a compromise to make Parliament work, as best it can, at least until the fall. That compromise left both the Conservatives and the Liberals feeling a bit let down -- but that is the nature of a compromise.

More important, and the polls did dip, is to recognize that we are in a marathon and not a sprint.

Even if we had an election next Wednesday, and we won, we would still have work ahead. We need to have Liberals across the country.

We need rural and city Liberals, Liberals from the east and the west. And after the next election we won't have that spread -- we will be better but we won't be there. This is a task to take a generation.

Michael Ignatieff will take us to a place where we can envision the Liberal Party elected in all of Canada; perhaps he will take us further. But the day to day ups and downs do not matter -- the goal is there.

There the LORD showed him the whole land—from Gilead to Dan, all of Naphtali, the territory of Ephraim and Manasseh, all the land of Judah as far as the western sea, the Negev and the whole region from the Valley of Jericho, the City of Palms, as far as Zoar.


Steve V said...

"Michael Ignatieff was quite right to seek a compromise to make Parliament work"

James, that's entirely true. Not forcing an election was a responsible position. The problem is, and this why the Liberals did actually blow it, we came out with all kinds of demands that were never realized. I think we blew it, in terms of over playing our hand. We weren't prepared to go to an election, that became crystal clear as the hours unfolded. If you know that beforehand, then you don't posture with all these demands. It wasn't wrong not to force an election, but it sure as hell wasn't wise to pretend we wanted one, only to drop almost all our "demands" mere hours later. It made us look weak, and what bugs me, it was self inflicted. Michael should have just said he wanted Parliament to work, he would defer on an election because nobody wanted one and then try and seek some compromises. If they failed, then we have the moral authority to go, if we get somethings done, then we look like an effective opposition.

Anonymous said...

Michael Ignatieff will take us to a place where we can envision the Liberal Party elected in all of Canada; perhaps he will take us further.

Y'all are going to get the LPC elected even outside of Canada? That is impressive.

foottothefire said...

Bluster makes one look like a fawning wimp. Strutting about like one is in control when the truth is there is NO control, makes one look like a fawning wimp.
Empty threats really piss people off.
The "hierarchy" best get their act together; our man was appointed not elected so he damn well better outperform all others. Outperform; as in BE SEEN but don't talk the talk you can't walk.