Thursday, June 18, 2009

Lafleur given suspended sentence in Montreal court

I am already hearing that he got a "special deal" -- he didn't. If he did the same thing and was just an ordinary person he would have gotten the same treatment.

Lafleur given suspended sentence in Montreal court

Guy Lafleur has been handed a suspended sentence for giving contradictory evidence at a bail hearing two years ago.

The hockey great was sentenced Thursday afternoon to a year-long suspended sentence, and was ordered to pay a $100 fine and make a $10,000 charitable donation.

CTV's Genevieve Beauchemin reported that for the 12 months of his suspended sentence, Lafleur will be required to comply with any conditions requested by the court or the police.

"He will have to follow court conditions, he will have to be followed for a year by police," Beauchemin told CTV News Channel just before 3 p.m. on Thursday afternoon. "If he's asked to come to the police station, to appear in court during that year, he has to comply with that."

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