Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Bathing costume problems in France

It is possible I suppose that a bathing costume could be un-hygienic because its made of fabric and not clean.

That said, if a bathing costume made of the ordinary materials such things are made of is somewhat more ample than customary so what?

It's hard to see how it could be less than hygienic. The size of the costume is not the issue.

Muslim woman denied pool access

Officials of French town say wearing a 'burquini,' which covers body head to toe, is un hygienic and potentially harmful to others

Paris— Associated Press

A French Muslim was denied last Aug.1, 2009 entry to a swimming pool for wearing an Islamic-style full-body swimsuit. Officials say the head-to-toe "burquini" is unhygienic and harmful to other bathers, but the woman complains of religious discrimination.

French officials say a Muslim woman wearing a head-to-toe swimsuit has been denied access to a public swimming pool in a town southeast of Paris.

Emerainville Mayor Alain Kelyor today said the 35-year-old woman was not allowed to swim in the pool wearing a "burquini" covering her body from head to toe. Officials say the outfit is unhygienic and potentially harmful to other swimmers.


Dr.Dawg said...

Now, that seems discriminatory all right, but I wonder if there are safety issues for the woman herself? Even pool swimming would be quite a slog, methinks, and long-distance swimming should be absolutely prohibited in these things:

Skinny Dipper said...

James, I faced a similar problem. Men need to wear tight swimsuits. It's obligatoire. I'm not kidding. North American style loose swimshorts are interdit.

Chrystal K. said...

This is new.