Monday, August 10, 2009

It's all our fault ..

Really sweetheart, it's not you, it's me ... .

Stephen Harper is trying to repair frayed relations with Mexico despite his refusal to roll back new entry restrictions for its citizens, emerging from a meeting with Mexican President Felipe Calderon Sunday night to say it's Canada's dysfunctional refugee system that made him do it.
Blaming Canada for the move is Mr. Harper's attempt to soothe the feelings of an insulted NAFTA partner just before three-way talks begin on a raft of other pressing issues – from the economy to trade.

“This is not the fault of the government of Mexico – let me be very clear about this,” Mr. Harper told reporters, explaining his mid-July decision to clamp down on soaring bogus refugee claims from Mexico by requiring Mexicans to obtain visas before entering Canada.

“This is a problem in Canadian refugee law which encourages bogus claims.”


Anonymous said...

At this rate, we'll have withdrawn from the UN by 2010....

Anonymous said...

The Liberal Party created the refugee system mess and yet again it is up to the Conservatives to fix it.