Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Murder's blog

George Sodini, the fitness club killer, had a blog that outlined his murderous plans for months. The local police have speculated (see below) why no one reported the blog.

My sense is not that heartless web-surfers ignored the plans of a murderer. Rather, I'll bet no one read the blog.

It's actually quite hard getting blog traffic. If you set up a webpage and don't link to blogcrawlers and Google you may well have no readers at all.

Anyway, here's the details:

"The blog -- which Supt. Moffatt said was being treated as genuine, and which was quickly pulled off the Internet -- reveals the sinister, often banal mind of a man crippled by sexual frustration, anger at women, and depression.

A picture of Sodini, 48, attached to the blog shows a lean, white male with slightly greying hair and wearing a smart blue shirt.

Supt. Moffatt said the blog clearly showed "the hatred in him" and that computer sleuths were looking into whether anyone saw the blog -- and if so, why they didn't report it."
James Morton
1100-5255 Yonge Street
Toronto, Ontario
M2N 6P4

416 225 2777


penlan said...

Should that not be *Murderer's* Blog?

odszkodowanie po wypadku said...

a very interesting publication

James C Morton said...

Penlan -- u'r rite!!!