Thursday, August 6, 2009

Two frauds two sentences

Today's National Post contrasted two fraud sentences: in Canada the six and seven years sentences in Livent and in the United States a 100 year sentence for an elaborate fraud.

In Livent the judge carefully reviewed the case, the defendants' backgrounds and decided on the sentence. Whether upheld on appeal or not, the sentence is clearly articulated and sensible.

By contrast, in the 100 year sentence the Court merely gave in to unreflective vengeance. A 100 year sentence is wholly arbitrary; it is merely a modern form of the 18th Century's Bloody Code where virtually all offences had the same penalty, death. The 100 year sentence reflects nothing more than moral cowardice.


Weapons of Mass Information said...

Thanks for raising this point. I remember, when I was living in B.C., the similar media anger over the Robert Pickton sentence because he couldn't be sentenced to more than 25 years - even though with that sentence he'll be back on the street in his 80s, or just as likely not at all.

Giving out ridiculously long (i.e. 100-year) sentences is simply reflexive and in my opinion would just make the justice system look silly. I mean, there's no way anyone could ever serve such a sentence - so why give it out?

Anonymous said...

"In Livent the judge carefully reviewed the case, the defendants' backgrounds and decided on the sentence. Whether upheld on appeal or not, the sentence is clearly articulated and sensible.

By contrast, in the 100 year sentence the Court merely gave in to unreflected vengeance. "

Morton, how the fuck do you know if the court in the USA gave in to "unreflected vengeance"?

How the fuck do you know that.

This stupid fucking discussion is really pissing me off.

How the fuck can a guy last week get 2 years (out in 6 months) for stealing 158 million yet Levant gets 7 years for less?

Explain this Morton, I'm getting pissed off with the spin.

Something gotta change and change soon.

Anonymous said...

Anon,didn't you hear the big secret? Liberals are mind readers they know everything.

"How the fuck can a guy last week get 2 years (out in 6 months) for stealing 158 million yet Levant gets 7 years for less?"

We need minimum sentences period.It's the only way we can fix this system. I just wonder the people who say that there isn't any problems,if they were ever victims in this type of crime.

James C Morton said...

True, I am no mind reader. But I do know people live to be, maybe, 85 so a 100 years sentence is just life -- might as well be 1,000 years.