Monday, November 2, 2009

No trusteeship for Montreal

Municipal corruption is hardly limited to Montreal. I am surprised at how common it is -- perhaps it's because the cities now control budgets that are way beyond what they used to? On the other hand, Montreal has not been a village for a very long time...

No trusteeship for Montreal: Charest

Canada's second-biggest city will not be placed under trusteeship despite a mayor corruption scandal, said Quebec Premier Jean Charest.

The premier made the comments a day after Montreal Mayor Gérald Tremblay was re-elected despite allegations of corruption at city hall.

'Rest assured that I have heard [voters] concerns and expectations.'—Montreal Mayor Gérald Tremblay

A newspaper report on Monday suggested the Quebec Liberal government was ready to place Montreal under trusteeship to limit its control in awarding contracts.

But Charest says the province is not about to go that far. The government will, however, clean up the process used to award public contracts across the province, he said.

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