Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Urgency from feds still lacking


The bumps in Canada's biggest-ever vaccination campaign that sparked an emergency debate in the House of Commons last night seemed inevitable. From the beginning of the H1N1 pandemic there has been a calm, verging at times on complacency, from federal officials. On top of that, jurisdictions overlap, making for a cacophony of voices. As a test of Canada's ability to handle a truly severe pandemic (which this one may yet become), it has raised serious questions.

The debate gives the opposition parties, and Parliament as a whole, a chance to express a sense of urgency about the outbreak. Too often the process of the past several months seemed mere spoon-feeding of the public at news conferences. The United States, by contrast, held a televised town hall session featuring governors, health officials, school leaders and President Barack Obama, at which anxious questions were raised in the open. Perhaps because the public was left out, public health officials were surprised by the demand for the vaccine – Toronto, the biggest city in the country, initially opened just two clinics for all the people most at risk from the disease.


Anonymous said...

Oh dear.

I thought this was going to be about wafergate.Remember the outrage and urgency from that.

I'm glad the Libs have moved on to the next Faux rage.

If a single Lib blogger or politician accused Chretien of causing deaths from the flu (referring to Bob Rae)during his tenure then I'll apologize.

Liberals have cried wolf on far too many issues and most Canadians will tune you out here.

Toby said...


There's no issue. The feds are supplying the vaccine as fast as it can be produced. The provinces are pumping it into arms as fast as the lines can move.

grow up.

CanadianSense said...

H1N1 First wave April 30.2009

Dr. Neil Rau says that the WHO's pandemic plan is based on the assumption that an influenza virus will act like the deadly 1918 Spanish Influenza and easily kill multiple people. But he says the swine flu is looking more and more like the more common seasonal flu.

Read, watch the clip, this issue is too serious, but Liberals like to play their games.


Big Winnie said...

Let me get this straight. People are dying as a result of H1N1 and Con supporters, via the "talking points" have the nerve to call it a "faux rage"?

The government's inablility to properly plan for this outbreak is beyond belief. They should not have had a sole supplier of the vaccine, they should have communicated better, they should have ordered the vaccines earlier, they should have shown leadership on this issue, but NO, they blamed GSK, the public and anyone else, including the opposition parties for this mess.

I wish the governemnt would grow up and admit they made a mistake with their mishandling of this pandemic. Oh sorry, I forgot the COns are in power.

wsam said...

It's the Liberals who like to play games?

That's about as serious as an over-sized Conservative cheque.

Anonymous said...

"People are dying as a result of H1N1 and Con supporters, via the "talking points" have the nerve to call it a "faux rage"? "

You proved my point. People died from the flu during Liberal years as well but there was no rage from those deaths.Why?

Compare Canada's response from other nations and you'll see that it was better than most. Yes, there are shortcomings but the implication is that if Iggy were in charge it would have went smoother. There is no evidence to support that.

CanadianSense said...

Big Winnie

I learned a long time ago to not interrupt a political party intent in destroying itself.

H1N1 is a serious issue. Playing games and trying to score points is going to have unintended consequences.

The math, science, experts don't back up the fearmongering by the MSM and opposition parties.

Reviewing Sars, H1N1 this is not the Spanish Flu. Austrailia went through the second wave WITHOUT the vaccine.

The last 20 scandals from the opposition in your mind have done damage, the Polls show otherwise.

I like living on this planet and accept Polls. You have seen another poll showing Liberals lead on ANY single issue?

Healthcare, Enviroment, Economy?

Pick ANY, Liberals lose third place behind NDP or worse. Need the Nanos link?

Big Winnie said...

I have never seen so many CON trolls trying to do damage control on an issue. Must be scared?

BTW, The CON controlled MSM is reporting facts, not fiction, as some CONs would have us believe.

CanadianSense said...


on what planet do you see the CPC scared?

The planet of 85% who don't approve of the Liberal leader job Approval -Angus Poll want that link?

"Damage control" is so Star Trekkian of you!

The PMO is telling his team to stay out of the mudsling fearmonger?

Old Chinese Proverb. "Only fools fight in a burning house."

Please continue with another scandal, talk down Canada's recovery, H1N1 response, insult provinces, local health officials by trying to only HIT the PMO.

Best of luck.

I remember George Smitherman, Carrolyn Parrish, Alan Rock all Liberals stepping up and telling Federal Liberals STFU.

Funny how Dalton McGuinty is not running away from HST, H1N1 debate and reminding his party we make tough decisions. The divisions are only getting bigger.

McGuinty dropped Miller and Ignatieff is next. He does not need another liability attacking him or his province's plans on H1N1.

Funny how Tom Hudak and Michael Ignatieff are using the same talking points.

Big Winnie said...

If the CONs aren't afraid of this issue, why havn't they taken responsibility for their lack of effort?

Have a nice day

CanadianSense said...

I love how liberals ask a loaded question and expect people to shoot themselves in the face.

Why are liberals unable to break 30% in the Poll for the entire month of September?

Why did MI decide to publicly humilate Ian Davey on national television with his dismissal being announced through a rumour mill on Power Play?

Why did MI not hold a meeting with his team, caucus before after letting Ian Davey know he was fired on National TV?

wilson said...

The perils of politicizing a pandemic
Jane Taber

''...CBC's The National last night “in which an employee of Michael Ignatieff’s office appears in a ‘street interview’ as an ordinary citizen concerned about the supply of H1N1 vaccine.”

The staffer in question is Mark Sakamoto, formerly a lawyer with the CBC.
He is one of Mr. Ignatieff’s senior strategists and part of the so-called Toronto gang who have been with him since 2006...'
