Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Conservative support and the environment

To some extent a poll like this missing the bigger picture.

It is hardly surprising that a single issue has little effect on voting intentions -- there are single issue voters but not many. This is especially so where the issue (here the environment) is not a big one for the Party whose support is being polled.

But a number of issues taken together can have an effect. So Afghan prisoners, and the environment, and whatever comes next, can undercut Conservative support.

Poll: Tory voters unfazed by Copenhagen
National Post
Wed Dec 23 2009
Page: A9

The Harper government might not lose many votes over its
controversial stance on climate change even though half of Canadians disapprove of its policies, says a new poll. The survey, conducted over the past few days by Innovative Research Group for Canwest News Service, found 49% of respondents disapproved of the government's
position at the Copenhagen climate conference, but 44% said it would not make a difference on whether they were more or less likely to vote for the Tories. The poll found 43% would be less likely to vote for the Conservatives because of the government's position and 13% would be more likely to support them. The online poll surveyed 1,065

James Morton
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1 comment:

Steve V said...

OMG, is that how desperate NP is to spin this poll?? Wow. This poll shows complete rejection of the government position, only a measly 19% support their stance- that isn't even core Con support, it's objectively dreadful.

NP highlight the more likely/less likely as a wash. That's nonsense, by over 3 to 1, voters are less likely to support government. I've scanned a few polls, and that's a horrible number, on any issue. You don't take the fence sitter number and compare it with the less likely, that's BOGUS bull to be frank.

What a stupid rag, die quickly.