Friday, January 29, 2010


OTTAWA - Ontario Tory MPP Bob Runciman heads a list of five new senators named by Prime Minister Stephen Harper today.

Also are Pierre-Hugues Boisvenu from Quebec, Vim Kochhar from Ontario, Elizabeth Marshall from Newfoundland and Labrador, and Rose-May Poirier from New Brunswick.

The appointments give the Conservative government a plurality of seats in the upper house.

James Morton
1100-5255 Yonge Street
Toronto, Ontario
M2N 6P4

416 225 2777


Paul Raposo said...

Oh boy! What we can look forward to in 2010:

*A law making equal marriage illegal

*Taking away a woman's control over her body

*Allowing doctors to refuse service based on their choice of religion

*Allowing pharmacists to deny contraception

*Immigration--English speaking Whites need only apply

*Mandatory Bible study in public schools

*Daily "terror" alerts

Harper said we wouldn't recognize Canada when he was finished with it.

From now until Harper loses the next election, the Libs, NDP and Bloq should vote "no" on all of Harpers bills, and not allow anything to reach the Senate.

Anonymous said...

Yup Paul, you nailed it.
Iggy must force an election immediately.The Senate must be restacked by a party that received 25% of the vote.

Since you use over the top nonsense let me remind you that if the Libs hadn't stole your money and mine they might still be in power to protect us from things like lower taxes and higher healthcare funding.

Billy Williamson said...

Paul, your list sounds good to me.

Anonymous said...

Paul is clearly living in 2004 still.

Paul Raposo said...

Iggy must force an election immediately.The Senate must be restacked by a party that received 25% of the vote.

Iggy won't have to force an election, because Harper is hanging himself as we speak--and as voters are speaking, judging by the polls.

The senate needn't be stacked in anyone's favor--it should represent all Canadians, nit just the ideologues that surround Harper.

Since you use over the top nonsense

Over the top? All of my points are ideas favored by Harper and his various MP's.

let me remind you that if the Libs hadn't stole your money and mine

And let me remind you, that Harper is the first PM in Canadian history to run up a 36 BILLION dollar deficit.

they might still be in power to protect us from things like lower taxes and higher healthcare funding.

Lower taxes and higher health care funding? Which PM gave us those things? You certainly aren't talking about tax and spend Harper.

Paul, your list sounds good to me.

They have internet connections in caves, Billy?

Paul is clearly living in 2004 still.

So is Harper since he's been making the same promises for four years and hasn't delivered on any of them.

Time to let the Conbots recharge their batteries.

Paul Raposo said...

The Senate must be restacked by a party that received 25% of the vote.

As opposed to being stacked in favor of the party that received less than 30% of the vote, Anonymous? Considering the Libs, NDP and Bloq MP's make up the other 70% of Canadians, it's apparent whom is trying to stack what.

Harper refuses to work with anyone who isn't a Con, so he will stack the senate to get all his bills passed, whether Canadians want those bills passed, or not.

I say the other 70% of MP's stymie Harper's underhanded efforts, and let him know who is in charge.

Hank Snoww said...

Hey Paul,

What have you got against English-speaking whites?


Paul Raposo said...

Hey Hank,

What have you got against our officially bi-lingual country?


Hank Snoww said...

I never said I have anything against it, but YOU stated you are against English-speaking white people.
