Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Conservative MP Maxime Bernier questions global warming

Former industry and foreign affairs minister Maxime Bernier said the government had adopted a "wise" position by not cracking down on pollution from industry. Mr. Bernier, the Conservative MP for Beauce, Que., said he believes that dozens of other countries, their national science academies and peer-reviewed research are all exaggerating warnings about human activity and the impact of climate change.

"Every week that goes by confirms the wisdom of our government's modest position," wrote Mr. Bernier, in a letter published Wednesday in Montreal's La Presse newspaper.

"There is, in fact, no scientific consensus. What's certain is that it would be irresponsible to spend billions of dollars to impose unnecessarily stringent regulations to resolve a problem whose gravity we still are not certain about. The alarmism that often characterized this issue is no longer at stake. Canada is right to be cautious."
James Morton
1100-5255 Yonge Street
Toronto, Ontario
M2N 6P4

416 225 2777


The Rat said...

"...he believes that dozens of other countries, their national science academies and peer-reviewed research are all exaggerating warnings about human activity and the impact of climate change. "

That sounds just about right. Given the errors, the fact that a lot of IPCC evidence isn't in fact "peer" reviewed, that many third world countries see this as way to get money from the first world, and that the goal of de-industrialization and sticking it to the evil corporations sounds exactly like the life long goals of every socialist that ever lived, do you really wonder why so many hard working, tax paying red-neck types wonder if this isn't just some new way to get what these groups couldn't through legitimate means?

This won't hurt the Conservatives one bit.

Mr. Lorne said...

About time someone questioned this.

I am for peer review about this issue but it sounds fishy when so much data is under lock-and-key and heavily encrypted servers.

Let's get it all out there. If there is global warming let's deal with it. If not, all the's a bonus.

Anonymous said...

This is pretty reasonable.

I have no doubt that a few Liberals feel the same way. I hope they have the courage to say so.

Rotterdam said...

Rank and file voters will find Bernier's comments refreshing.
No need to go into details of the corrupted data. Al Gore has been very quite lately, and with good reason.
Liberals would be well advised to downplay this issue. Its like, WMD in Iraq all over again. We have been had.