Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Death penalty redux

Can it be that in just four years, Stephen Harper's government has managed to change the views of Canadians toward crime and punishment? This is the frightening possibility raised by an Angus Reid poll that has found that Canadians, who have always prided themselves for being more compassionate than the Americans, are more and more favourable to the hard-line approach of the Conservatives. Sixty-two per cent support the death penalty for murderers, and nearly one in three for convicted rapists.

This represents a huge increase compared to a survey by the same polling firm in 2004, when supporters of the death penalty for murderers remained a minority, at 48 per cent.

Another astonishing finding is that Quebeckers, who have traditionally favoured rehabilitation over repression, might have become even more hawkish than other Canadians – 69 per cent want capital punishment for murderers. If true, this would be a spectacular reversal. Just 23 years ago, Brian Mulroney relied on his large Quebec caucus to block an attempt by the Western wing of the Conservative caucus to bring back the death penalty. There's an important caveat: The provincial results of the poll have a 6.1-per-cent margin of error because they are based on a small sample. So, Quebeckers could simply be on the same wave length of the country as a whole – still, however, a distressing evolution


Anonymous said...

I think the 'Liberals are soft on crime' has sunk in, and Harper lying. I remember when the wrong person was put to death. If we had a death penalty in recent years I could name a least 20 who did not do it..using DNA. What the Tories want is revenge killing, without thinking...I think it is very wrong.

Cari said...

If they think the death penalty will stop people from killing..wrong is not a deterrent..never was, and never will be.

Anonymous said...

Billy Kelly on CHML 900 AM, did this story about three weeks agos.

Gayle said...

I do not know why people even bother discussing this. The SCC has already said the death penalty violates the Charter.

Anonymous said...

You lefty types would be very surprised if there were ever a binding referendum to change the constitution to reintroduce the death penalty.

This notion of compassion is just so much of a hug a thug fluff of a myth perpetuated by Trudeauesque limp wristed pantie wastes that is so absolutely laughable.

Liberal/NDP typesare so far out of touch with real Canadians it is truly pathetic, but it is not surprising as you all live in a world of lollipops, fairy tales and unicorns.

Anonymous said...

You gotta a love a fascist who sees the marketing value in public executions...and that's the draw. Not justice, punishment or revenge.
The fascist right enjoy getting 'juiced', on executions. They don't understand where it comes from but, they realize they're not alone. A good ol' public hanging would draw tens of thousands and provide employment and marketing opportunities from beer in plastic cups to street cleaners to wash away the slobber.
Conservatives are on to something.
Why should we restrain our primal urges? I'm with them! Lets make a buck.


Kirbycairo said...

And you know what else Anonymous. . . Christopher Columbus was way out of touch with the people of Europe when he said the earth wasn't flat, and William Wilberforce was way out of touch with the average Englishman when he opposed slavery, and the Martin Lurther King was way out of touch with the average southerner when he fought for equality, The least you could do is not hide behind an 'anonymous' title so we can know who the blinkered, half-baked, medieval, ignorant philistine is really behind these opinions.

Anonymous said...

Hey Kirby, FO

Gayle said...

"You lefty types would be very surprised if there were ever a binding referendum to change the constitution to reintroduce the death penalty."

You're right, but as soon as I see pigs flying I will know to prepare myself for the amendment.

James C Morton said...

Anon -- "FO" is close to the line -- especially for Kirby's totally respectful comment.

Anonymous said...

The Poll is surprising but when you somehow try and link it to the ability of Harper to "change the view of Canadians" you lose credibility.

I suspect people in general are distressed when they see very violent offenders out on the street again after a minimal sentence.

A compromise would be to keep the very violent offenders behind bars forever.The other non violent offenders can be considered for eventual rehabilitaion into society. The damage caused by murderers to victims,their families and to society as a whole is too horrific to contemplate.We should not tolerate it.

Stephen Downes said...

Stephen Harper hasn't done this.

The relentlessly conservative television and media conglomerates have done this.

Anonymous said...

I say hang the relentlessly conservative television and media conglomerates