Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Ann Coulter event at the University of Ottawa cancelled over 'public safety' fears

This is not right.

I am appalled.

Protest Coulter, yes; that's fine and proper.

Close down her speech, no, that's wrong.

Indeed, the whole thing is an embarrassment. It is so bush league.

The University of Ottawa looks like it has an intolerant student union lacking even a modicum of finesse and political sense; sadly the administration doesn't seem any better.

Honestly folks, are we so weak in our beliefs that hearing Ann Coulter speak might make us become Fox News fans? If so, what does that say?

OTTAWA — Concerns for "public safety" forced the cancellation of American conservative commentator Ann Coulter's speaking engagement at the University of Ottawa Tuesday night.

Several hundred people, including students from both Carleton University and the University of Ottawa, showed up prior to Coulter's speech. The loudest and most vociferous were protesting her presence, drowning out a smaller group of pro-Coulter demonstrators
James Morton
1100-5255 Yonge Street
Toronto, Ontario
M2N 6P4

416 225 2777


Anonymous said...

Meh. There are much more important issues to be appalled over. One of them is the Liberal support for Asbestos continuing to being exported to countries that have no health & safety standards. Morally bankrupt is what that is. The Liberals have lost the plot and have lost my support over that issue alone. Tell your boss, he needs to apologize to every widow in the country.

Your appalled at Coulter not being able to speak: that just goes to show your not aware of how polarized this country is and your boss just contributed hugely to it.

James C Morton said...

I do agree the issue isn't that big. There are more important things to be appalled by

Skinny Dipper said...

Coulter is a shock talk show host. She says things that are inflammatory. However, I will agree with you, James, that she should have been able to speak at the University of Ottawa.

I would like to think that any university student should be capable of participating in meaningful discourse of Coulter's comments even if her comments may seem pedantic. It doesn't mean that the student needs to attend Coulter's presentation. It just means that university students should be able to discuss with their fellow "universitarians" Coulter's opinions.

Jeff Stims said...

For a "tolerant" country, sometimes our intolerance is appalling. We like to think of ourselves as better than Americans, well this week we just made ourselves look like a bunch of backwater hicks because while Canadians are fighting and dying overseas, an American pundit visiting Canada dominates the headlines.

We are often our own worst enemy.

James C Morton said...

Right on Skinny -- precisely right!

deBeauxOs said...

It wasn't the U of O that cancelled the event. It was Coulter and her entourage who made that decision.

The students outside the hall chanting were expressing their own right to free speech.

If Coulter can't take the heat ... As far as I know, nobody protesting her presence showed up with a gun.

rww said...

She canceled her speech because she thought she could get more publicity and sympathy and most of all $$$ by canceling than making it.

Her free expression rights do not negate the free expression rights of those opposing her presence.

Anonymous said...

This Houle guy should resign. He should have sent a similar condescending letter to his students reminding them that there are laws dictating how you should protest.

It is my view that his letter created the situation in the first place.

I know where my kids won't be going to University.

Anonymous said...

"We like to think of ourselves as better than Americans...."

This is the very reason why Canadians and leftist Canadians in particular are very ,very ignorant.

Do you think you're also better than the Chinese, or the Muslim who just moved in next door beside the Pakistani who moved in beside the other South Asian who moved out beside your mothers house in downtown Toronto?

The far left in this country have hijacked every institution and it's very unfortunate.

Anonymous said...

Once again it's proven that violence or the threat of violence is an effective tool for preventing someone from speaking their mind.

The most distressing thing is that it was not tanks or rifles but loud screaming and potential for rock throwing that got the presentation shut down.

Anonymous said...

But Michael Moore never needed to be warned or how about Fidel Castro going to Trudeau's funeral?

This Castro clown has killed untold numbers of his own people and continues to hold political prisoners.

Nothing but silence at the time from Castro loving Canadians.

Ann Coulter has done nothing to nobody other than hurt their feelings.

Nothing compared to all the leftists in the current world who are slaughtering people without a care in the world from leftist Canadians.

You people are morally bankrupt and its all because of rabid anti-Americanism and a little anti-Semitism.

The fact Morton is a part of this leftist crowd is confusing to say the least.

Coutler was silenced which has Alinsky smiling right now.

March 24, 2010 8:05 AM

Rotterdam said...

Its not only Coulter, it was Netanyahu (Concordia), Pipes (York)
and even a small talk provided by a Pro-life speaker at Saint Mary's U.

This is how the left defines the free expression of ideas.

It will not end unless more TRUE liberals decide to get outraged.
Professor Morton, we need more of you.

deBeauxOs said...

Wow, "Anonymous" as a putative defender of free speech, you might re-consider your interdiction regarding your children enrolling as students at the U of O.

Unless of course, you want them to grow up ignorant like you are.

Saul Alinsky died in 1972.

deBeauxOs said...

Wow, "Anonymous" as a putative defender of free speech, you might re-consider your interdiction regarding your children enrolling as students at the U of O.

Unless of course, you want them to grow up ignorant like you are.

Saul Alinsky died in 1972.

Anonymous said...

"Saul Alinsky died in 1972."

Thanks T.I.P.S

I Knew that when I read the book you keep under your pillow.

Anonymous said...


Hit a nerve did I?

After visiting your blog I doubt you should be calling anyone ignorant.

Actually there are one or two more universities I'd avoid.It is called principles. Saying so is called free speech.

If you don't like it there is a chartered flight leaving for Cuba from YYZ this afternoon.Feel free to hop on...