Thursday, March 4, 2010

Another poll

More polls. Again they bounce around but we should be higher. I have high hopes for Canada at 150.


The federal Conservatives maintained their three-percentage-point over the Liberals. (EKOS)The Conservatives are retaining their three-percentage-point lead over the Liberals, according to a new EKOS poll.

Asked which party they would support if an election were held tomorrow, 32.4 per of those polled backed the Conservatives, while the Liberals had the backing of 29.4 per cent.

NDP support stood at 15.2 per cent, the Green Party had 10.5 per cent, and the Bloc Québécois 9.4 per cent.

The poll results, which were released exclusively to CBC, are based on a survey Feb. 24 to March 2 of 2,796 Canadians aged 18 or over. The margin of error associated with a poll of this size is plus or minus 1.9 percentage points, 19 times out of 20.


Stephen Downes said...

More proof that the other poll was an outlier. Just saying.

James C Morton said...


Anonymous said...

"..but we should be higher."


The Conservatives have made mistakes yes but good grief Ignatieff has been awkward.I won't attack him further (here anyways), Quebec Liberals continue to do so well enough on their own.

Again, outlier poll? Not so. A five point lead still keeps all polls accurate.

The Mound of Sound said...

Jim, I had a look at the speaker list for your Canada at 150"thinkers" conference. Save for Lloyd Axworthy (who I hope wasn't included as a sop to progressives), it's mainly management consultants and academics.

You've already got a "thinker" as your leader, shoehorned in to replace an evicted "thinker." How has that worked out for you and the LPC so far?

Our country has arrived at the advent of a host of enormous and rapidly spreading problems that will have political, social, economic and military ramifications. These issues will drive the welfare of the next few generations and yet no party in Ottawa, save the Greens, acts as though they even exist.

What I'm trying to say is that there is no end of really meaty problems to get your teeth into but you're going to have to get your heads up - and that goes doubly for your leader.

You're not going to find vision if you won't peer beyond the next electoral cycle or two. Unfortunately to have that vision you're going to have to even the Liberal keel, bring it back to the centre/centre-left and stop trying to pursue Harper to the right.

There is no future for the LPC where its leader wants to take it. Canada has no room for a second conservative party. There is nothing to be had in trying to transform the Liberals into northern Democrats.

James C Morton said...

Mound, I am there as a blogger and am still hopeful, something will come