Michael Ignatieff is holding a caucus call today to talk about where the party should be heading in the wake of the Canada at 150 conference in Montreal.
Next steps will be discussed and those will likely include plans for five regional policy meetings across the country in May and June.
April 26, 2004
The party also continued to feud over the government's troubled advertising and sponsorship programs.
A leaked memo written in 1995 by Warren Kinsella, a fierce defender of Mr. Chrétien and onetime aide to former public works minister David Dingwall, put Mr. Martin on the defensive over his close ties to an Ottawa firm not far from Parliament Hill called Earnscliffe Strategy Group where a number of his close advisers have worked over the years. Mr. Kinsella's memo suggests that while Mr. Martin was finance minister, his department violated contracting rules to award several lucrative contracts to Earnscliffe for public opinion research work.
"I require an immediate explanation as to how the [Finance] department in question was permitted to breach the guidelines in this way," stated the Kinsella memo.
A written explanation provided by Charles Guité, the now retired public servant who ran the sponsorship program at Public Works, was also leaked to the media. "This is simply unacceptable," wrote Mr. Guité, adding that the situation "could become embarrassing to the government and certainly our minister."
The development gave the Conservative opposition cause to claim it finally has a "smoking gun" linking the Prime Minister and his Earnscliffe advisers to the sponsorship scandal.
In the aftermath of the Kinsella-memo fracas, the antagonists in the escalating Liberal drama took to the airwaves to explain their side of the story
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I see the "Anony-mouse" morons are out in full effect - making comments completely unrelated to the topic at hand. How very conservative/Conservative.
Good musing, by the way, Morton!
Bring up anything that any party has down underhandedly in this country and a person is this or that. All you can do is name throw...you are really good at it. Get over yourself WesternGrit. That is how Hitler came to power by people ignoring the obvious or don't you know that yet.
I wonder if the MP's will be asked to stay home for those policy meetings.
Pierre’s father owned a chain of gas stations in Quebec which he sold to Petro Fina prior to WWII. As payment, Pierre’s dad got a lot of shares in Petro Fina. This sale made Pierre Trudeau heir to a sizeable fortune. Pierre’s dad died leaving his fortune to his wife.
In the 1970’s the Arabs jacked up the price of oil and the Canadian government under Pierre Trudeau decided it needed a national “toy” oil company, i.e. Petro Canada. The boys in Ottawa decided they needed a chain of gas stations in their “toy” oil company. Petro Fina owned a chain of gas stations in eastern Canada. The stock was trading at about 10 bucks. The government began negotiations with Petro Fina and its stock rose and rose and rose. Finally, the government closed the Petro Fina deal, got the chain of gas stations, paid Petro Fina big dollars and our government got more debt.
Mrs. Trudeau got rich on the shares she held and Pierre was very happy to see his Momma get rich because he was the heir of her estate. A number of years later, Momma died and Pierre got rich too.
The documents concerning the sale were sealed for fifty years as state secret.
One Maurice Strong was running Petro Canada for Trudeau at that time and was paid a commission of $1 Million Dollars on that deal.
Pierre Trudeau, our CBC created national hero, was a crook.
It’s high time those documents were unsealed to see the light of day, how many deceased and still living Liberals made out like bandits from that deal besides the Trudeau’s?
Who said this?
"Justin Trudeau has the arrogance of his father and the brains of his mother"
These are just the major scandals, in all to date since 1993, there have been or
are still active, over thirty six RCMP investigations of criminality.
Chretien’s Shawinigate, fired the president of BDBC for refusing loan to friend.
Chretien still owned shares in golf course, lied to Parliament and Canadian’s.
Pettigrew’s HRDC Job Training Grants Scandal, over $1 billion missing, Auditor
General blocked from investigating, dumped in the lap of Jane Stewart who took all the
heat and eventually resigned.
Alan Rock’s Gun Registry Fiasco, over $2 billion wasted, questionable contracts
blockedfrom investigation by Auditor General.
Paul Martin’s CSL received over $162 million from taxpayer’s pockets, Auditor
General blocked from examining contracts and loans. Curiously that is almost the exact
ammount that Paul Martin owed the loan syndicate for his purchase of CSL from Paul
Desmairis of Power Corporation.
Sponsorship Scandal, Gomery Inquiry, total whitewash, Gomery not allowed to look
atEarnscliffe contracts.
Earnscliffe Contracts Scandal, contracts let by Paul Martin while Finance
Minister in response to Sponsorship, because his friends weren’t getting in on the pork
Technology Partnerships Scandal, Auditor General blocked from investigating by
Martin and Emerson.
The Dingwall Scandal, Liberal’s paid him severence when he
Dingwall implicated in the Technology Partnerships for illegal lobbying and
receiving illegal fees.
Private Foundations Scandal, $9 billion disappeared, no accounting, Auditor
General blocked from investigating.
Income Trust Scandal, destroyed $22 billion in retirement savings value of
Canadian’s, well connected Liberal’s profit from insider trading. He who had a meeting with
Bay Street insiders, one of them a best friend, just hours before he made the
announcement that the government wouldn’t be taxing Income Trusts.
Auditor General blocked from investigating several crown corporations and
agencies,among those are Canada Post, Via Rail, Export Development Corporation, Canada
Wheat Board, Canada Investment Development Corporation, etc.
Going back to Trudeau, the Auditor General has never been allowed to investigate
the creation, acquisitions and operations of Petro Canada while a Crown Corporation.
Maurice Strong, who has been named in the UN Oil for Food Scandal and is of
interest to the FBI, was Trudeau’s appointee who was responsible for PetroCan’s creation and
operation. When PetroCan bought Petrofina, that companies book value was $562
million, yet Maurice Strong paid $2.5 billion taxpayer dollars for it. Mr. Strong is also
Paul Martin’s mentor and is responsible for bringing us the Kyoto Accord, which is
nothing, but a socialist vehicle for wealth redistribution, good thing Climategate happened when it did.
Remember these are just the highlights, there are so many instances of
misappropriations of under $50,000 it boggles the mind.
*Yeesh* All that space allotted to some Tory troll.
A little discernment would be welcome anytime, Mr. Morton.
oh oh oh oh! The Cons are veeeeeeeerrrrrrrryyyyyy
ahm - NERVOUS.
James where are you, get the edit button, svp.
but funny
Daria S.
Yes Anonymous, you are right "That is how Hitler came to power by people ignoring the obvious or don't you know that yet." And that is why we have a Harper government today!!!
Nice one Kitt...
Ti-Girl surfaces, shall we dredge up some of your past you scum?
Let us go and get Harper's PAST!!!!!
Don Martin rips the Liberals a new one;
Don Martin: Liberals put their hope in the Easter bunny
David Dingwall, “I’m entitled to my entitlements”.
That’s the Liberal Party in a nutshell, they can’t change and like the dinosaurs that they are, are doomed to extinction.
It will be a slow and painful suicide when in the next election they’ll find that they’ve lost another 20-30 seats, possibly becoming “da turd pardi” , just as likely the fourth.
Followed by another long stretch of insignificant bleetings and their brand of cheap tawdry gotcha politics, then finally the end of the line.
“the natural ruling party”, sure……………………..
Liberals are out of their minds, what are they thinking, thoughts?
Read more: http://www.montrealgazette.com/news/Invest+women+Liberals+told/2730453/story.html#ixzz0jXFsSd35
Justin Turdeau on Ignatieff;
“…je pense qu’une des grandes différences entre Ignatieff et mon père et là, je vais sûrement me mettre un peu dans le trouble, c’est au niveau de la force de son jugement.
I think that one of the big differences between Ignatieff and my father, I’ll be surely getting myself in a bit of trouble here, it’s a level of the force of his judgment.
Avec Ignatieff, il est un peu partout des fois. Il dit ceci, il dit cela, il se contredit. Il n’a pas la clarté que mon père a pu avoir
With Ignatieff, he’s a bit all over at times. He says this, he says that, he contradicts himself. He doesn’t have the clarity that my father could have.
Il a peut-être l’intelligence, mais il n’a peut-être pas la sagesse nécessaire.
He maybe has the intelligence, but he does not have, maybe, the necessary wisdom.
When they have nothing "solid" to reply with - no Conservative vision or useful policy (which come rare to never) - the Anony-mouses resort to pouring out the bogus "docu-dump" diatribes you see in this comments section... We should break out our huge "word document" chok full of - shall we say - "interesting" things Cons have said and/or done? Nah... We have better things to do with our time. We're not sitting in our Mommies' basements, or at "Conservative HQ" with nothing better to do.
This is probably some sort of medical condition that resulted from the lack of ability to send out the same info on 10%ers... lol... Makes me laugh...
The interview where Justin Trudeau talks about Ignatieff;
Justin has been blessed with the arrogance of his father and the brains of his mother.
House of Commons, Wednesday, April 20, 2005
Mr. Gilles Duceppe (Laurier—Sainte-Marie, BQ): Mr. Speaker, Warren Kinsella has stated, under oath, that members of the Prime Minister’s entourage arranged for Earnscliffe to get a contract and that the Prime Minister was aware of that fact. …
Hon. Ralph Goodale (Minister of Finance, Lib.): Mr. Speaker, again, the hon. gentleman seems to be relying upon some unreliable information. The allegations are not supported by the written record. They are not supported by the audit done by Ernst & Young. They are not supported by the Auditor General of Canada. They are not supported in the independent comments offered yesterday by Mr. Goldenberg. They are only supported by the opposition and even the deputy leader of the official opposition calls that source poisoned partisanship.
Mr. Benoît Sauvageau (Repentigny, BQ): … What does the Prime Minister have to say about Warren Kinsella’s statement under oath that the former finance minister had even called him at home to complain? …
Hon. Ralph Goodale (Minister of Finance, Lib.): Mr. Speaker, the remark with respect to the alleged telephone call is completely fallacious.
Mr. Peter MacKay (Central Nova, CPC): Mr. Speaker, raging Liberal Warren Kinsella raised concerns as far back as 1995 through memos, letters and phone calls about rigged contracts that he felt favoured the company employing the Prime Minister’s leadership campaign manager. …
Hon. Ralph Goodale (Minister of Finance, Lib.): Mr. Speaker, again the hon. gentleman is simply following the wrong path. Mr. Kinsella is not supported by the written record that has been filed with the public accounts committee. He is not supported by any of the audits that have been done, either by Ernst & Young externally or the Auditor General internally. Some of his testimony yesterday was directly contradicted by Mr. Goldenberg. Indeed, the only support he has is from the opposition and that very member has described him as a “poisoned partisan”. So much for his star witness.
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