... the Obama Seder, now one of the newest, most intimate and least likely of White House traditions. When Passover begins at sunset on Monday evening, Mr. Obama and about 20 others will gather for a ritual that neither the rabbinic sages nor the founding fathers would recognize.
In the Old Family Dining Room, under sparkling chandeliers and portraits of former first ladies, the mostly Jewish and African-American guests will recite prayers and retell the biblical story of slavery and liberation, ending with the traditional declaration “Next year in Jerusalem.”
ustin Trudeau’s exuberance lands him in trouble
Immediately after the show, he tweeted his regrets: “OK, there seems a consensus: no matter how frustrated I get, I will not be interrupting on panels in the future. I’m learning…”
And today, he said he wants to continue to bring that passion but will “wait for my turn.”
He’s learning?
What utter BS, Justin only regrets that this episode is on tape for all of the world to see what a boorish lout he actually is.
Elitist, entitled, arrogant……….typical Liberal.
Justin Turdeau on Ignatieff;
“…je pense qu’une des grandes différences entre Ignatieff et mon père et là, je vais sûrement me mettre un peu dans le trouble, c’est au niveau de la force de son jugement.
I think that one of the big differences between Ignatieff and my father, I’ll be surely getting myself in a bit of trouble here, it’s a level of the force of his judgment.
Avec Ignatieff, il est un peu partout des fois. Il dit ceci, il dit cela, il se contredit. Il n’a pas la clarté que mon père a pu avoir
With Ignatieff, he’s a bit all over at times. He says this, he says that, he contradicts himself. He doesn’t have the clarity that my father could have.
Il a peut-être l’intelligence, mais il n’a peut-être pas la sagesse nécessaire.
He maybe has the intelligence, but he does not have, maybe, the necessary wisdom.
There's going to floor crosser(s) in the very near future.
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