Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Tories, Liberals deadlocked in poll

Well, the polls are so bouncy I'm not sure they mean much:

Tories, Liberals deadlocked in poll
Published On Wed Mar 3 2010

The Canadian Press

OTTAWA-An extensive new poll suggests neither Conservatives nor Liberals would have any reason to trigger a spring election as they return to Parliament to face looming confidence votes.

The two-week survey conducted Feb. 18-28 by The Canadian Press/Harris-Decima gives the Tories and Liberals 31 per cent each. The NDP had support from 16 per cent of respondents, the Greens 12 and the Bloc Québécois 8.

Despite some blips in which Liberal or Conservative support has climbed slightly, neither has been able to solidify those gains.

James Morton
1100-5255 Yonge Street
Toronto, Ontario
M2N 6P4

416 225 2777


The Mound of Sound said...

James, as a Liberal functionary, you ought to see very real and unsettling meaning in these polls. In my opinion they speak as much to the lacklustre vision of the Opposition as to the mediocre performance of the government. A party adrift with an apprentice at the helm, a learner with no vision that resonates with the public. In the broadcasting world that's referred to as "dead air." I think that's what the Liberal Party amounts to when it turns away from progressivism and attempts to transform itself into a clone of the Democrats. The Canadian voter isn't interested in a second, conservative party.

James C Morton said...

I'll agree they do suggest we haven't given the alternative we need to yet -- we should not be neck and neck with the Conservatives -- but seriously I think the Canada at !%) Conference will be helpful.

Stephen Downes said...

Oh, hey, remember yesterday when I labled that one poll an outlier. Well, here's proof that it was an outlier.

I agree with the other letter-writer, though. Ignatieff isn't showing that he is a liberal. He really does appear to be just another conservative. I haven't seen him standing up for anything that would be definitively liberal.