"I've never met Guergis. All in all she sounds hard to take. It's easy to imagine even worse revelations are yet to come. But so far the crimes she's committed are: marrying a husband with appallingly bad judgment, letting him use her office, having an annoying personality and breaking down in public under the pressure of two miscarriages and her mother's health scare. For that she's been ousted from her job and party, and crucified in the press.
I wonder why more people don't choose a career in politics."
I would say that's being a little too chartiable. Having endured a miscarriage myself, I feel for her on that front, b/c it's certainly not as easy thing to recover from, and, at 41, her chances for future pregnancies are not good. However, it cannot excuse the bad behaviour and lack of judgement she has shown.
wah wah wah cry me a river. everyone has probs. thats no excuse for her behavior
However, it cannot excuse the bad behaviour and lack of judgement she has shown.
wah wah wah cry me a river. everyone has probs. thats no excuse for her behavior
What behavior? We have no idea how mild or severe the reported "tantrum" might have been, because we have only the report of someone who, instead of complaining to their supervisor, to it directly to a LIBERAL MP instead. Think about that...and about the fact that "throwing her boots at staff" has now turned into "tossing her boots into a bin". We need more information. We need to see the actual security footage.
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