Monday, May 17, 2010

$1 billion in unpaid traffic tickets in Ontario

Wow -- a lot of gelt! But if it is out of Province drivers it will be very hard to collect:

The Canadian Press      

Drivers owe Ontario municipalities more than $1 billion in outstanding traffic tickets.

The Ontario Association of Police Service Boards is asking the provincial government for help to collect unpaid traffic tickets, which it complains have grown to exceed $1 billion.

Attorney General Chris Bentley says the government introduced changes last fall that gave municipalities more power to collect fines for speeding and other traffic offences.

He calls the unpaid fines "a heck of a lot of money," and says the outstanding sum must be collected, both for the revenue and to show traffic laws are being enforced.

Bentley says the province is willing to listen if the police boards think they need more powers to go after speeding motorists from the United States who simply ignore tickets they get in Ontario.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Out of province? Nah, that's just a typical pretext. The collection agencies they've hired are hardasses. I got a call for a ticket from 19.5 years ago! Yep, over 19 years and they want the money NOW.
I asked for a copy of the original ticket, where I was, my car license at the time, everything. NOPE, just more calls from different people, about the same thing. Day after day.