Sunday, May 9, 2010

Conservative rivals square off in key riding contest

This is the sort of thing that happens in every Party.

What's relevant is not that there is a local brouhaha in a Conservative Riding Association -- I've seen the same in the LPC -- but that the CPC deals with it from the Centre.

The rhetoric about local decision making and grass roots is merely that, rhetoric:

By Tamara Gignac, Calgary Herald

Opposing factions squared off for positions on the board of MP Rob Anders' riding association Saturday in the latest political drama for the high-profile Tory constituency.

Of the hundreds of party members who packed the Bowness Sportsplex to elect 30 directors from duelling slates, most cast their ballots in favour of a pro-Anders board.

It comes in the wake of an internal party dispute that saw a majority of Calgary West board members quit in protest.

They objected to a decision from the Conservative party's national council to take control of the association's spending and Saturday's annual general meeting.

The former members had been pushing for a nomination contest. One of their attempts was scuttled last year when the national council adopted new rules for triggering a challenge of a sitting MP, requiring two-thirds approval from riding members.


Anonymous said...

The rhetoric about local decision making and grass roots is merely that, rhetoric:
That would explain why the Liberal party is saddled with Iggy. If ever there was a dub of a leader it is him, the man can't even surpass Harper in spite of all of the Conservative fuck ups... Makes you yearn for Dion.

penlan said...

"What's relevant is not that there is a local brouhaha in a Conservative Riding Association -- I've seen the same in the LPC -- but that the CPC deals with it from the Centre."

So do the Libs. They have parachuted in candidates that were not chosen by riding assoc.'s either. I know this one with Anders is a little different but the Libs do their bidding, too, from the Centre. You can't deny that James. And I'm a Lib supporter.

James C Morton said...

I think my point is that any successful Party is like this -- for better or worse you need a focus from the Centre.

Anonymous said...

By center, you mean Toronto-centric, in the case of the Liberals. How's that working out for you?

Really, how successful have the Liberals been with the return of WK and the coterie that support (read coronation) of Iggy?

The Liberals are still trailing the Cons, no matter how much the Connies mess up. That should tell you that the Liberal brand is next to worthless at the moment.

Yes, you need a strong central administration but one that is able to effectively communicate and take a stand - often by listening to the regions.

In Vaudreuil-Solange you had a candidate that was so inept she messed up at every step of the way. How was she rewarded? She was promoted by Iggy to be closer to the central runnings.... That kind of myopia is the reason that the Liberals have lost many progressive voters and are now so risible.