Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Census takers expressly told not to mention fines or jail

A former census manager told me this morning that, contrary to what was said this morning in Parliament, census takers are directed not to even mention fines or jail for non-compliance. The census takers are not going around threatening jail.

On a different point, why change a system that is working?


Anonymous said...

So then is Kinsella lying??

Why change a system that is working?

I would use the RIDE program as an example. I don't have a problem with it and it seems to be working.

But, it might be unconstitutional.No? Since it works though should we ignore that "minor" point?

Anonymous said...

Look. Harper needed a diversion and flew one for the 'small govt', crowd. True to form, he blew it. There isn't the depth, experience or touch in that crew so these things will keep popping out of their heads as long as their around.
Harper had no idea what StatsCan does and all the kerfuffle hasn't made his candle any brighter.
Beating this one to death with intelligent argument will only drag it out and bore Canadians...which Harper would settle for...as he's done in the past.
let it go.

Anonymous said...

Is it mandatory or not? Funny to listen to the hearings today and how everyone danced around that question. Pretty simple really, if its mandatory whats the penalty for not filling it out? Sooner or later, and, the LPC better hope its not later, that question will have to be answered. 160,000 people did not fill out the form, what should their punishment be?