Sunday, August 15, 2010

Human smuggling

If true doesn't it show how desperate people are to flee?

"VICTORIA — The human smugglers behind the MV Sun Sea may have pocketed more than $20-million for ferrying a shipload of Sri Lankan migrants to the British Columbia coast last week.

The passengers each paid $40,000 to $50,000 for the three-month journey from Thailand, Public Safety Minister Vic Toews told the National Post in an interview this weekend.

He said his officials had advised him the Tamil Tigers rebel organization was behind the operation, which he said was driven by profit motives."


Brent said...

He should have said they paid $4,000 to $5,000. I might have believed that lie.

The Rat said...

They were in Thailand? They left a safe third country come to Canada? Why was that? Why didn't these poor refugees fleeing the evil Sri Lankan death squads stay in the first safe haven they found? Oh yeah, we have better welfare rates in Canada!

Canada should not be accepting refugees shopping for a place to stay. If a refugee leaves a safe country to come to Canada they are obviously economic and not political refugees at that point.

Anonymous said...

These people are able to stay here while they are being processed but it takes a very long time for someone from Europe to get Canada through the proper Canadian process. It just doesn't seem ethical.

tarobins said...

And forcing someone to stay in a terrible, possibly life-threatening, situation while they wait for processing is ethical?

The Rat said...

"And forcing someone to stay in a terrible, possibly life-threatening, situation while they wait for processing is ethical?"

And once again, they were in Thailand. Is that a "terrible, possibly life-threatening situation" or is just inconvenient because the medical care isn't as good as ours and they don't get to live in Toronto on welfare?