Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Thoughts on the acquittal rate

When I read the acquittal rate for Canada as a whole was 3% I thought well, ok, but let's see what the conviction rate is. After all, if the conviction rate much lower because of withdrawals etc then the 3% acquittal rate is somewhat irrelevant.

Turns out I was right and wrong.

The withdrawal rate in Ontario is around 40% but that includes withdrawals of multiple charges -- so a guilty plea to an over 80 with a withdrawal of an impaired counts as a withdrawal. So the functional withdrawal rate for Ontario is closer to 20%.

And that means an 80% conviction rate.

This may mean the police tend to get it right when they charge someone. Or it may mean the system leans to conviction.

Either way, if you're charged you are likely to be convicted. Very likely.

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