Monday, October 11, 2010

Canada's changing religious landscape -- it's a new country

More than 40 per cent of the people who landed here between 1982 and 2001 have a high degree of religiosity, according to Statistics Canada's General Social Survey, compared with 26 per cent of native-born Canadians.

Many of those immigrants, especially from Latin America and such countries as the Philippines and South Korea, are bolstering congregations at long-established Christian denominations.

Others, from Asia, the Middle East and Africa, are primarily Hindus, Buddhists, Sikhs and Muslims, religions that have been practised here since before Canada was a country, but never in such large concentrations.

Muslims, for example, are the fastest-growing religious group in Canada. They make up a little more than 2 per cent of the population, but that number is expected to grow to nearly 8 per cent by 2031.


Anonymous said...

The second and third generations will be more secular than the emigrant generation. We will be Christian or whatever in name but mostly secular Canadians. Our religions will not matter until the shooting starts. Then, secular or not, some extreme group will target you because of your unpracticed religion. 1920s through 1930s and 40s Germany comes to mind. In the meantime enjoy the secular life. I know I do.

CanadianSense said...

Which party is tailoring their messaging to the demographics of traditional family.

The aging boomers are included in the messaging and policies have been crafted to them.

Which political party best represents these two group on the federal scene?

CanNurse said...

The aging boomers that I know won't have anything to do with the party messaging about "the traditional family".
.... Which is the same party involved with this group?:
A wild & crazy guess?
Christian right-wing extremists.

CanadianSense said...


Your religious intolerance toward religion freedom of Christians is going to have consequences at the ballot box.
Immigration has NOT been reduced since the Conservatives have won in 2006. Canada is a conservative country built from traditional values.

Socialism-Liberalism is failing everywhere. Your refusal to accept dissent or protect liberty for control has backfired.

Americans will push back on Big government. Toronto is doing the same. Europeans have thrown out Liberals-Socialists.

The pollsters are CLEAR which party has the demographic support.

Howling at the moon about your little circle of friends won't it.
Heck even Castro admitted it does not work. It is time to put down your Naomi Klein books of fiction.

Your socialist utopia on earth will have to wait.

Mark said...

The eternal victimhood of the Christian Fascists.

Fortunately, the good news is that while Muslims may be growing at a faster rate, non-believers are growing faster in absolute numbers. In fact, non-believers could overtake Catholics as the largest religious denomination in Canada within 20 years.

Furthermore, if you look at the change in Canadian values, it's clear that secular values, rather than Christian fascism, is what's winning over the hearts and minds of Canadians. Canadians, in large numbers, accept same-sex marriage. Abortion is a non-starter, as a political issue. The recent court decision on prostitution drew outraged comment from the usual suspects, but was largely treated as a non-issue by the vast majority of the public.

Then there's this howler:

"The pollsters are CLEAR which party has the demographic support."

The Cons have been languishing at around 33 to 35 percent for the last 4 years. This may be more than the Liberals, but it's only slightly more than half of the combined left/left-centre vote. What you are calling "socialism" has the support of a solid majority of Canadians.

"Your socialist utopia on earth will have to wait."

And your Christian fascist dystopia is, thankfully, a receding nightmare.

Anonymous said...

It's not religious intolerance when the people are intorant of you, CS. It's called anti-fascism.

Just like when the CoS calls anyone who exposes their cult a 'bigot.'

Churches that complain about 'intolerance' and attack others are like pedophiles who claim their human rights are violated because they happen to like sex with children. (Oh wait...I think we heard that from a chuch recently when they were called out on sex abuse!)

CanadianSense said...


Sorry mark your fairytale about a Secular Utopia led by socialists has not materialized.
The Census and immigration refute your post.

The place to start is with the 2000 election. A close look at the sources of Liberal dominance in that election reveals that the support of Catholics and visible minorities was a critical ingredient (Blais et al. 2002).

It takes time it has only been four years. The 2nd paragraph of this post CONFIRMS an increase of Christians from immigration.

"Fortunately, the good news is that while Muslims may be growing at a faster rate" adding more people to the tradition family values and conservatives.

Please list those Muslim countries that are have Liberal-social value like equality, SSM, protection for sexual orientation.

Securalism is going to remain a fringe out by all those "religious" people having more babies.

You must be terrified...

Thanks Mark for singling out Christians as being intolerant and fascists.

CanadianSense said...

Fascists believe in big government and less liberty. I am against mandatory Census and Registry of Long Guns.

From my perspective Liberals-NDP-Bloc have are treating citizens as criminals with fines and threats for not complying with Big Government policy.

Liberalism was about liberty, personal responsibility: this is no longer the case. Personal responsibility has been replaced with social justice contract.

Mark said...

"Sorry mark your fairytale about a Secular Utopia led by socialists has not materialized."

A Christian accusing someone else of believing in fairy tales? You certainly have mastered irony as a form of humour.

"The Census and immigration refute your post."

Are you reading the Census data backwards?

from Wikipedia:

Christian: 83%
No Religious Affiliation: 12.6%

Christian: 77%
No Religious Affiliation: 16.5%

Based on polling data it's expected that non-believers will be around 25% for the 2011 Census. Even considering immigration, non-belief is still growing, and Christianity is declining. These are the hard numbers that can be confirmed by the Statistics Canada website.

"The place to start is with the 2000 election. A close look at the sources of Liberal dominance in that election reveals that the support of Catholics and visible minorities was a critical ingredient"

You are trying to frame this strictly in terms of Liberal voters versus Con voters, but if we want this to be about Canadians in general, then we need to consider all voters, not just Liberal and Con voters. Parties on the left are splitting the vote, to the advantage of the Cons, but overall, almost twice as many Canadians vote left as those who vote right.

"It takes time it has only been four years. The 2nd paragraph of this post CONFIRMS an increase of Christians from immigration."

Show me the actual numbers. I have no doubt that many immigrants are Christian. Yet the hard numbers, from reliable sources, still show that non-belief is on the rise in Canada.

"Please list those Muslim countries that are have Liberal-social value like equality, SSM, protection for sexual orientation."

Not only did I not make this claim, it's not even related to anything that I did say.

"Securalism is going to remain a fringe out by all those 'religious' people having more babies."

Religions grow by people having babies. Non-belief grows by people coming to their senses. That's why non-belief is on course to overtake religious belief in Canada.

"You must be terrified..."

Of what?

CanadianSense said...

Mark why are you resorting to use % instead of raw numbers in your fairytale?

I have no problem with babies being born in Muslims, Christian traditional families. (You do implying Muslims are growing at a larger rate vs Christians)

This is why the LEFT are going to have the head handed to them.

Traditional Muslims share the SAME views as Christians. It is called traditional family.

Ask the Democrat President Obama he did not support SSM definition change.

It has NOTHING to do with right wing or fascism.

The 1960-1990's Liberal social engineering agenda is on hold and going in reverse. See Toronto, November US elections and Europe.

Liberals=Taxes and Big Government. Families want to shrink the role of Government and meddling in their lives.