Thursday, October 7, 2010

Gridlock Hurts!

Yesterday I had to travel by car from downtown Toronto, starting at 3:30 pm to Humber College (a distance of say 20 km). It took me, as I expected it would, about two hours.

Many small things made the trip longer. A police stop that, for unknown reasons, blocked a lane entering a highway (why not do a traffic stop off to the side?). Construction blocking roads, briefly but completely, just as rush hour started.

Biggers things caused delay too -- the fact the freeway system has not been materially improved for a generation.

And so a short trip took a long time, with additional environmental costs.

I say all this not as a Thursday rant but rather to say it's time we make traffic flow. Cars are a big part of moving people in the GTA and (especially until we have light rail, subways and who knows what else that is practical to move people quickly around the area) policies that slow traffic are a bad idea.


Anonymous said...

If that is the case then I think Ford is your man. He understands that bike lanes are a waste.

ridenrain said...

Why are you not on a bicycle?

Chant the Vancouver mantra with me.. "we know more freeways are not the answer".
Somehow granola bars and tofu simply appear on downtown store shelves but the roads are empty except for busses, taxies and, of course, the cars of the political class.