Saturday, March 19, 2011

Another war begins

It appears that French and UK forces have entered the Libyan theatre (or so says twitter). Canadian forces will be there in a couple of days.

I hope to be proven wrong and that this (third current) war is fast, successful and results in a net benefit to the people of Libya.

I'd rather be wrong and a chicken little than right and a Jeremiah.

Macbeth | Act 1, Scene 7

If it were done when 'tis done, then 'twere well
It were done quickly: if the assassination
Could trammel up the consequence, and catch
With his surcease success; that but this blow
Might be the be-all and the end-all here,,,


Anonymous said...

Canadian special forces are there already and have been since at least Feb. 28

Anonymous said...

Morton, Canada could be under attack from Communist China and you would do nothing about it.

Some people are pussies, babies and couldn't fight themselves out of a paper bag.

Lucky we don't have clowns like James Morton anywhere around the people who actually fight for freedom.

Could you imagine Morton during Word World 2 trying to decide whether removing Hitler was a good thing or not.

Morton is another leftist living in la la land.

Skinny Dipper said...

Off topic: With deepest regrets: Knut has died.

Anonymous said...

I tried to figure out how to send a message to you via facebook, but couldn't'. So am sending it here.

Knut died...... :( :( ... so sad.


Anonymous said...

Canada goes to war, and the first word in the news headline is...

Read it and weep: "Harper: Libya air mission poses risks."

The Canadian MSM has had way too much Harper cool-aid.

Anonymous said...

Anon, Perhaps you missed it but Hitler invaded other countries. Kaddafi has not. You are a stupid fucking idiot.

Anonymous said...

Anon 2 Anon: you said "Anon, Perhaps you missed it but Hitler invaded other countries. Kaddafi has not. You are a stupid fucking idiot."

Does this mean we can be friends?

Anonymous said...

Here's a headline from the BBC:

"Canada is sending six fighter jets to help enforce the UN-backed no-fly zone over Libya, Prime Minister Stephen Harper has said."

CBC said "Harper: Libya air mission poses risks."

The Brits don't have to get their headlines right because Harper: doesn't sign their pay cheques.

Anonymous said...

"Anon, Perhaps you missed it but Hitler invaded other countries. Kaddafi has not. You are a stupid fucking idiot."

So in your moral world, invading another country justifies removal but slaughtering your own does not?

It's comical how so called liberals pretend they love freedom, but would only want to remove Qaddafi if he invades another country. Not if he kills all his on people.

What a fucked up world when we have retards like Morton and his followers talking about natural human rights and freedoms.

The education system in Canada looks more like the one in China.

Anonymous said...

It wouldn't surprise me if this was all discussed at the G20. Perhaps some of the heavy-security people that were in Toronto are now training 'rebels' in Libya.

We're lucky we can still read foreign media and get a different point of view.
