Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Keeping the kids in line...


Anonymous said...

OTTAWA — If you are going to paraphrase a mass-murdering leader of Communist China during a political debate, you might want to make sure you aren’t in the middle of praising human rights and democracy.

“Let some flowers bloom here,” Ignatieff said as he chastised Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s record on promoting democracy as part of Canada’s foreign policy.

The line is similar to one used by Mao Zedong, the leader of China from the revolution in 1949 until 1976. In the summer of 1957, Mao launched a slogan of reform, often translated into English as “Let a thousand flowers bloom.”

Hey Morton. Are you a big fan of Chairman Mao as well?

mp in toronto said...


You're off topic. This is a pic of Panda's. Has nothing to do with politics!!

James, thank you for the post. Love the pandas. They are so adorable.

James C Morton said...

I'm no fan of Mao -- as people who read my blog will know. However, Mao was quoting someone I do respect when he referenced letting flower bloom. That said, this is a picture of pandas so let's just move on from personalities?