Sunday, June 5, 2011

Global warming and Canadian cities

If there is a long term increase in temperature it will make a huge difference to Canada. Growing seasons will increase, usable land will expand and water patterns will change.

"The long-range forecast for Canadian cities is hot. And we're talking for the next 100 years or so."


The Rat said...

Your bitly is a mobile link,it doesn't work on computers.

Not having read the article, still, doesn't your summary sound like a good thing? Miami seems eminently livable, and longer growing seasons and more arable land, that doesn't sound like an argument against global warming.

Stephen Downes said...

That would be nice if that were all that was going to happen. But we get forest fires and tornados, floods and hurricanes. And that's just now; who knows what runaway global warming would look like.

James C Morton said...

Well, it cuts both ways. It will have some advantages for Canada but also there will be weather out of the Bible. And the rest of the world will be dreadfully affected so - overall, a bad thing. PS, I'll try to fix the