Monday, June 13, 2011

Quebec woman wants to stay in Saudi Arabia: Reports

If you believe these reports, well, Stalin's Show Trials were a true reflection of reality. Remember she's not able to leave the home without her husband's permission. Under Saudi law, which prevents women from working or driving, she also needs her husband's permission to leave the country.

Andrew Chung      
Quebec Bureau     
MONTREAL—The case of Nathalie Morin took a bizarre twist on Monday as Saudi newspapers quoted her as blaming activists for her troubles with police when she allegedly attempted to flee the country.

The Quebec woman also claims in the Arabic newspaper that she is treated well and says that as a Muslim she doesn't want to leave the country.


Anonymous said...

I cannot understand why "Women's Rights groups" attack western democracies, especially ones run by Conservative gov'ts. while largely turning a blind eye to the outrages in the Middle East.

ridenrain said...

Abused wife gives husband another chance. Sanitized news at 11.00