Two clips from the cell block video are available online at
The first clip shows four police (three male and one female) dragging Ms Carr into the cell. Immediately thereafter Ms Carr's head is twice slammed into the concrete floor. There is no suggestion Ms. Carr was resisting. The police then took out Ms Carr's hair tie, pulled on her hair and slammed her head to the ground again. Ms Carr was then hog tied with a belt and she says her arm was broken (that is consistent with the force seen in the clip). The second clip shows officers running into Ms Carr's cell and her clothes being tossed out. Ms Carr says she was strip searched by two male officers and left naked.
Meanwhile - over at the Don - the cops first cousins - jail guards - have been throwing the mentally ill to the wolves - to be eaten alive in the "blind spots". The only blindness here is the system's willfull blindness to its criminal negligence causing death - Not that long time high profile lawyers would ever name it for what it is.
ooops - forgot the coverage of the "blind spot" feeding ground
Man’s jail death puts justice system on trial
JUSTICE REPORTER— From Thursday's Globe and Mail
Published Wednesday, Jul. 27, 2011
There's only one way to stop police abuse and that's to cast a wide net of accountability. This must be a top down process.
A couple of hours perusing police brutality video on YouTube is illuminating of an unmentioned problem. In most cases the bystander/cellphone video shows one or two officers assaulting a victim while several others stand around watching a blatant crime being committed by their colleagues. Yet they neither intervene to stop the assault nor do they arrest their criminal colleagues. In effect they condone criminality within their own ranks which is surely a grave breach of trust. Those police officers who do nothing are facilitating the crime and deserve to be charged. If these accessory cops knew they'd be held accountable the assaults would be greatly reduced.
Perhaps this might be an appropriate time to remind the crown lawyers, judges and defence lawyers who repeatedly slept through the qualification phase of expert witnesses that, as a result, this is the environment in which Smith's victims were forced to survive for years - due solely to their collective lazy-ass indifference.
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