Tuesday, July 26, 2011

The more articulate one is, the more dangerous words become.

The man responsible for the deaths of 76 children and adults in Friday’s Norwegian terrorist attacks says that he is not guilty because they were acts of self-defense on behalf of an entire continent. I suppose it is obvious, but the claim of self-defense is meaningless and offensive.

Self-defense applies in the very limited case where someone is attacked and has no alternative but to respond with force to defence themselves or someone they have a duty to protect (that’s a bit oversimplistic but will do).

Now here none of those prerequisites apply – but presumably Anders Behring Breivik does not mean he was acting in self-defence in anything other than a metaphorical sense.

And this sense is a dangerous sense. Why?

Because some will take it at face value.

Hitler's Speech February 26, 1924 before the Munich Court where he was being tried for sedition was legally bogus – but it gained him support.

As Mary Sarton said, "The more articulate one is, the more dangerous words become."


Anonymous said...

The whole notion of a trial is offensive.

I'd suggest that legal systems like the one in Norway (or Canada for that matter) are not really able to deal with this sort of crime.

There is no death penalty or more to the point even "life" sentences in Norway (as I read it anyways). The most he can get is 20 yrs. Does anyone really believe that rehabilitation is possible?

The outcome is already known. He will be incarcerated for the rest of his life. Their must exist some "loophole" in Norwegian law to keep him in prison for as long as he lives.

His guarantee of life might well lead to others to follow his actions. I know sometimes people argue that punishment is not a deterrent against crime (true in some cases no doubt) but in this case the lack of proper punishment might encourage others.

James C Morton said...

Thanks for this one

Anonymous said...

Is he not actually pleading guilty with an explanation and would the judge not impose that plea if he continues to say i did it but I was justified because......

And I would assume that he would have to prove he was defending himself from every single one of the 97 people killed. If even one of them wasn't threatening his life imminently for example the ten year old, then that defense certainly should not even be entertained.

Anonymous said...

Are you a "cultural Marxist" James?

Anonymous said...

Hitler was a SOCIALIST.

Just like you James.

Don't pervert history just because you adore Herbert Marcuse.

Anonymous said...

The shooter in Norway, whether our Government likes it or not, has certainly opened up peoples eyes to the CULTURAL MARXISTS who want to destroy Canada and our heritage.

All our institutions are infested with these CULTURAL MARXISTS.

Every single one.

Anonymous said...

This Norwegian guy said that "cultural Marxists" are destroying his country.

Why have all thew whites left Toronto James?

Cultures have never lived in peace throughout history and you seem to think that imposing Cultural Marxism on a whole population is going to make it work?

Clearly, a lot of people are unhappy that MULTICULTURALISM has been shoved down our throat when the people we not even asked if we wanted it.

James, whose country is this?

Your friends? Or all the people?

James C Morton said...

OK, this discussion is getting weird

Anonymous said...

Who owns this country?

The people? Or the Cultural Marxists infested in our Institutions?