I didn't realize what it was until my clerk said "I bet it's an earthquake".
I checked Google News - nothing.
I checked the radio - nothing.
Then I said to myself 'try twitter' and there is was - instant second by second reports from all across North America.
If you really want breaking news you need to check twitter... .
Hey, J.M. my son will be pleased that his daily efforts are appreciated. He informs me that in Japan they use twitter to order a pizza or call a taxi and says that "we" will someday "catch up" to them in this respect. BTW he is a programmer w/twitter. : }}
Twitter, sooner or later will pass. In 2 or 3 years it'll only be old farts using it.
I can order a pizza many different ways.
Yes, you can get information fast but this is true with the internet in general. It is not unique to Twitter.
I suppose if you are into the Kardashians then Twitter is it.(Quite a wedding wasn't it?) You can Twitter the honeymoon info too.
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