Sunday, August 14, 2011

What we need to rebuild the Liberal Party

I have been talking to people across Canada about the Party and the future.

What is amazing is how everyone, from all ends of the political spectrum, agrees with what needs to be done.

We must fix process.  We need unified contact lists, clearer lines of communication and a modern party structure.  Things that worked in 1992 do not work today. This will involve hard work and significant changes in our approach; but the changes are necessary and doable.

More important, we must not be afraid to be Liberals.  We are socially progressive; if we disapprove of, say, crime legislation because it is based on vengeance and not justice we must say so.  We support free enterprise and fiscal responsibility; we have to have the courage to say taxes are there for a reason and tax cuts for the sake of political popularity are a bad idea.  We have to say corporate welfare is not fair and all businesses should have a level playing field.  If we are going to be 'Conservative lite', well, we might as well not be at all.

We have a great future but only if we are true to ourselves and only if we make te sacrifices necessary to have our ideas known.
-- Sent from my HP TouchPad


Dave G. said...

In other words, we need to be New Democrats.

Annie said...

The NDP we never will be.... and should enjoy Pearson, who was a good Liberal

James C Morton said...

Well, if the NDP became a fiscally responsible party supporting small business yes. I am not so hung up on names as on policies. Look at New Labour in Britain -- whatever their failings they were not Socialist in terms of their economics...

Ger said...

Thank you for the messages in your Blog, Sir.
I am a Proud Liberal and have always maintained that the Party, despite what others may say, is the Party for all Canadians. We have people from all walks of life and from every spectrum of political thought, it seems to me.
Personally, I have met Liberals who sound like NDP even sound like PCs but who see, as I do, the Liberal Platform as including something for everyone and as our best hope for a strong Democratic and fiscal future for all.
That the Harper Cons have attacked (L)liberals, is something we have to deal with, and be prepared for. The Tactics used will, if past behaviour is any indicator, become more vicious and frequent as time goes on. These attacks have done nothing but strengthen my resolve to support the Liberal Party and Democratic efforts.
I am proud of those who have shown their dedication to Canada through the Party and look forward to the day when there is balance in the House again.
I had never read any of your writings before but am glad to have found a link to it Posted on the Liberal Rebuilding Site. I look forward to reading more of your work.
Geraldine M Chafe