Friday, September 2, 2011

Correlation is not the same as causation

There is a new study showing that women who have abortions tend to have a higher rate of mental health issues.

And, of course, a radio host was saying that is proved to him that abortions were contrary to a woman's health (he was more colourful in his language but that's what it came down to).

Now, it is possible that abortions do lead to subsequent mental health issues and that is something that should be investigated. But it seems far more likely that the correlation is as a result of women who have abortions being in disproportionately difficult circumstances leading to mental health issues (and probably lots of other issues such as poverty, lack of skills and, say, a higher rate of smoking).

Correlation is not causation.


Anonymous said...

"There is a new study showing that women who have abortions tend to have a higher rate of mental health issues."

When a mother kills her unborn child, she must feel shitty, otherwise she wouldn't be human.

Abortion is the most inhumane and ignorant cosmetic surgery in the world.

How someone can kill their own child out of selfishness and greed is way beyond me.

May all those unborn R.I.P who got killed by their own mother and by a doctor who swore to uphold life.

jimbojumbo said...

That's possible; but it isn't what the study shows. There are bona fide reasons to be pro life (and your point - holding human life sacred from conception - is one that makes sens eto many) but taking studies to mean what they don't doesnt work. As for me I still follow Hillary Clinton's position; legal, safe and rare. Thanks for writing!