Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Maple Leaf Foods Plans Investments, Plant Closures To Boost Profits

Blue collar jobs pay as well as, if not better than, office jobs. But industrial jobs are vanishing. This is a major problem and it will get worse; not everyone is able to do office work and new jobs where reading and writing are not primary tend to be menial. The creation of a poorly paid class of menial workers who cannot hope to achieve stability and a modicum of material success bodes ill for society. What is to be done? I'm not sure -- but ignoring the problem isn't really a viable option:

Maple Leaf Foods Inc. (MFI.T) Wednesday announced a number of plant investments and closures, which it said will boost productivity and cut costs but also result in the loss of about 1,550 positions company-wide.


Anonymous said...

Canada has always had a poorly paid class of menial workers. Lets just give housewives a living wage and let them hire the rest.

James C Morton said...

Actually that's not silly -- it is modified Keynesianism.

Stephen Downes said...

Fewer workers, more profits... higher productivity, but the employees won't share in this. Any increased wealth is simply being withdrawn from the economy, with no social good produced.