Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Occupy Wall Street ‘zombies’ keep protest alive  

Yesterday 'protesters' pushed alarms all over the TTC; the result?

Were rich corporate fat cats delayed? No - they don't take the TTC.

The people delayed for work, the people who were docked pay, were cleaners, waitstaff, clerks and secretaries.


October 3, 2011 22:10:00
Mitch Potter      
Washington Bureau     
NEW YORK—He rode the overnight bus from Toronto, arriving at dawn, drawn by the popular momentum of a widening protest movement that only now is capturing the media spotlight.

Perhaps Occupy Wall Street will be a much bigger deal by Oct. 15, when like-minded Canadian activists are expected to join the rolling rallies with demonstrations on Bay St.

1 comment:

Stephen Downes said...

> the people who were docked pay, were cleaners, waitstaff, clerks and secretaries.

The injustice isn't that these people were late, it's that they work under conditions where their pay is docked even in cases where it's not their fault.

Don't blame the alarm-pullers for the docked pay. Blame the unfair working conditions.