Sunday, October 2, 2011

"... we are not endorsing any of the three party platforms"

The Toronto Sun did not endorse Tim Hudak.


That says a lot.

I disagree with their slant and position but nevertheless, for the Sun not to endorse Hudak is a very big deal.

Here's the Editorial:

Ontario deserves better

From the start of this election campaign, we have called for a champion to emerge from the political pack to fight for our readers.

A leader ready to tackle the two biggest problems imposed on the ordinary, hard-working people of Ontario by runaway government spending — high debt and taxes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ontario is in trouble no matter who wins. I do agree with you it is a surprise but I don't know if it is such a big deal. The Star's endorsement of the NDP in the federal election was certainly an eye opener but it had little to do with the fianl result.