Friday, October 28, 2011

Who leaked mayor’s 911 call?  

Remember Hanlon's Razor:

Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.

I doubt the 911 Call Centre said "it's Mayor Ford - respond slowly" or "gosh it's the Mayor -- let's leak his call".

But now with all the uproar perhaps Mayor Ford should request and then release the 911 tapes so he can vindicate himself and show what he has told the media is the case?

Who leaked the contents of Mayor Rob Ford's 911 emergency call Monday and what does it say about the relationship between the mayor and the police?

The fact that some 911 dispatchers are disgruntled with the mayor's conduct during an emergency call — and groused about it in a manner that came to the attention of CBC reporters — is just that. It may not reflect a schism between Chief Bill Blair and Mayor Ford.

However, the fact that the mayor's administration is busy looking over its shoulders and is anxious about the relationship speaks volumes.

While the story deteriorated into a "he-said, she-said" political drama Thursday, the bright minds in the mayor's office were left to wonder if the police weren't out to get the mayor for daring to challenge police spending.

Ford backed down and gave police almost everything they wanted, but the capitulation came after the mayor unleashed Councillor Michael Thompson as a budget pitbull intent on clawing out some savings.

Star sources say the Ford administration was scrambling Thursday, concerned whether police brass were being vengeful over the public budget spat.

"We gave them what they wanted. But they don't want to win. They want to annihilate you," said a source within the mayor's administration.


Anonymous said...

It would certainly make me think twice before calling 911(in some scenarios anyways). Could I be ridiculed or accused of wrongdoing if I call to try and help someone?

We even have an idiot lawyer wanting to pay to get a recording of this tape. The whole affair is quite tawdry.

ridenrain said...

Since popular opinion came down against the CBC ambush team, they are changing the channel with this phony 911 sham. Clearly, Joe Warmington isn’t on the CBC payroll because his sources came out contrary to the CBC spin. CBC is proof that a lie gets half way around the world before the truth gets it’s pants on.
No wonder no one watches them any more.

Twiccary said...

For the life of me, I don't know why anyone in their right mind would ever wish to become Mayor of Toronto.

Rotterdam said...

Instead of apologizing for sending unfunny Mary Walsh to ambush Ford at his own home, the CBC doubled down and reported a 911 call based on hear say.
Why are we subsidizing this hateful network to the tune of a billion dollars?

Anonymous said...

Suppose I accuse a lawyer of being in the company of a prostitute. Suppose the lawyer realises that the person he was with that I said was a prostitute was his daughter.

Is it reasonable for me and a few others to demand he realease a photo of his hot daughter to put the issue to rest? What is he hiding?

The left lost the election. Get over it.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Ford has a history of lying. It is not unreasonable that people are having a hard time believing his account of what happened. He can clear the air and confirm his side of the story, at least as it relates to the 911 call, by releasing a tape of the call. If his story is the truth that shouldn't be a problem.

Anonymous said...

Another way to spin it is for the CBC to come clean on their "sources".

A transcript would be more reasonable.

"Ford has a history of lying" All politicians lie. There is no substance to that comment.

Anonymous said...

Google "Rob Ford and Leafs Game" and "Rob Ford DUI". All politicians do not lie like that.

Anonymous said...

Google Adscam...

Nuf' said.

Anonymous said...

This is a fun game. We could play it all afternoon. Google "Harper and Income trusts" Nuf' said.

Rob Ford is an established liar. On at least two previous occasions, he has publicly proven that his first instinct when faced with problematic allegations is to lie about them.

He claims the 911 call went a certain way. News accounts claim it went another way. Ford alone has the power to set the record straight. He should do so by releasing the tape. Until he does, given his past history, he will be presumed by many to be lying. Because? Liars lie.

Anonymous said...

So I am right all politicians lie.We agree.

rub"N"tug, MFP computer lease, Iggy lying about voting in foreign elections, etc. etc.

Some other news claims contradict the CBC account.

If the transcripts were released (and they probably will) it would not detract those who hate him even if his account is correct.

The interesting thing is that Ford probably isn't concerned what you think or what the media thinks in general.

The Star's reckless stories have probably made Ford avery wealthy man. Will the CBC do the same?

wilson said...

Who leaked mayor’s 911 call?
No one.
It was a lie.

Blair backs Ford's account of 911 calls

someone needs to be fired.

Rotterdam said...

@ Wilson
"someone needs to be fired."

The CBC needs to be de funded. That will pay for the firings.

They had an agenda. Get that right wing Mayor that we hate.

Anonymous said...

Why are my tax dollars going towards this?

The CBC should be burnt to the ground,today.