Tuesday, November 1, 2011

L'art du politique est de faire en sorte qu'il soit de l'intérêt de chacun d'être vertueux.

Claude Adrien HELVÉTIUS (The art of politics is to make it so that it is in everyone's best interest to be virtuous).


David Pylyp said...

"The art of politics is to ensure it is in everyone's interest to be virtuous." Virtuous? Moral excellence. Politicians Make promises Get elected then break their promises. Stock Markets promise rewards by take Investors money and then collapse while CEO's Give them selves rewards and Bonuses. No wonder we have people living in James Park claiming a protest.
Sad Isn't it. They have stolen our confidence.

David Pylyp

Anonymous said...

Mr. Morton.....that is such a laugh and what is more laughable is this....every, every man who enters politics is looking for fame, to meet the famous and do what ever he can for the elite while boosting his bank accounts and putting into practice what huge corporations demand. That means all governments do it at every level. Moral excellence doesn't enter into the equation at all. The only honest politican I know of was Clyde Wells. He stopped the foolishness of Meech Lake through moral excellence, integrity and ethics.