Monday, November 28, 2011

Rob Ford will hike taxes 2.5 per cent

In fairness, during the campaign he did say he would raise taxes. This was published in the Sun as part of Ford's plans for after the election:

But Ford said he will hike property taxes about 1.8% annually, the rate of inflation - the actual rate, not the David Miller rate that plopped in between 2.9 and 4%.

His actual proposal is a little higher than he said during the election but not by much:

Mayor Rob Ford’s proposed 2012 budget would raise taxes by 2.5 per cent, close five wading pools and see the city’s workforce drop by 2,300 jobs.


Anonymous said...

Hi tax cut is higher than promised, AND he is cutting services despite "guaranteeing" that he would not. There's only one word to describe Mr. Ford, LIAR.

Anonymous said...

A reduction on spending is a huge achievement. He could have easily said it was too hard and allowed the deficits to grow.

Closing some wading pools? Oh, the humanity! No wonder the city is a mess.

sharonapple88 said...

Reduction in spending? Not sofast:

"However, according to budget documents, net spending — the part funded by property taxes, as opposed to user fees or grants from other governments — will rise by $98.3 million."

This even with a 10cent increase in fees for the TTC.

Article lists a number of the cuts. Wading pools is in there, but so are cuts to homeless shelters, programs for needy children, drug prevention programs, HIV programs...

Anonymous said...

Well he does have to find his 'gravy' somewhere doesn't he?

Reid said...

Poor babies. According to City of Toronto website, the 2011 residential property tax rate is 0.558%. So your 2.5% increase will bring you up to 0.572%.

In Calgary our tax rate is 0.567% (it's actually higher because that rate is reflective of the Province dropping their share of the property tax, but which our City Council kept and did not rebate to the tax payers) and our council is trying to HOLD the rate increase to 5% but it will more likely be 6.5%. So our tax rate will rise to somewhere between 0.595% and 0.604%.

Your Mayor sounds downright CONSERVATIVE compared to our Mayor. Oh wait, he is Conservative.

James C Morton said...

Im not a Ford Fan -- my only point is he did campaign saying he would raise taxes...

Anonymous said...

Mcguinty campaigned on a promise not to raise taxes either. He was reelected twice after delivering the highest tax increases in Ontario history (even trumping Bob Rae who was turfed after one mandate). Furthermore the debt is also at a record high.

Ford has nothing to worry about if this is the worst his opponents have biggest complaints.